13 Facebook Tactics to Blow up Your Business Page’s Success

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           There is no secret that Facebook promotion (or Facebook marketing) is one of the biggest opportunities for any business, be it small or large.

            Do you wonder how to get more organic visibility in the Facebook news feed or what kind of posts and content are working for others?

            This is exactly what we will tell you in this article: how to promote your business Facebook page using posts that will create significant interaction and will get more organic news feed visibility.

Why Is Facebook Engagement So Important?

             Engagement on a Facebook page appears when your posts have an impact on your followers and make them involved in the discussion. The right way to promote your business is to find the right target audience, understand what your costumers needs. The most successful engagement posts are the one that contains emotional stories that will touch the heart of your audience.

             A post with many comments and reactions will produce curiosity and will bring more attention and have a bigger impact.

            The main goal, of a business, is to have more publicity. Having a target audience that will share your posts will bring you new followers and more attention. Another way for more notoriety it’s to create adds that will be posted on different social networks.

             In 2019, Facebook announced some changes to the news feed algorithm, making the posts from friends and family more visible explaining that “posts that inspire back-and-forth discussion in the comments and posts that you might want to share and react to”.

             Creating posts that attract more comments or that will encourage sharing them to as many people, will make your business be ranked in the news feed, making your page more visible and more successful.

             Lately, Facebook starts demoting individual posts from people and pages that use engagement bait. These kind of post are asking costumers to comment using just one word, an emoji, or to tag a friend. This tactic attempts to take advantage of the news feed algorithm by boosting engagement in order to get a higher reach. To be sure that your post will get more engagement you have to do a little research about what will be interesting for your followers.

What is Good for You Now?

             If you wanna find out what kind of posts are getting more traffic and engagement with customers, all you have to do is go on the Facebook Page Insights. Here, you will find an analysis of your activity. These results can help you build your audience and get more people interacting with your business. Posts with high traffic rates are the ones you want to include in your future social media business plan.

             Whether it’s a picture, video or status, the time when we post and what happens right after that it’s crucial. If immediate after you post people will react (comment, like, share), Facebook will understand that you shared something important and will show it to more people. Instead, if in the first minutes since you posted, people who it is displayed don’t interact with it, then Facebook will not show it further (Yes, Facebook prioritizes to whom to show). To know the right moment when to make a post on your page you have to access the Page Insights, go to Posts (on the left sidebar) and check When Your Fans Are Online.

    Under the Posts tab you can see if you’re:

  • posting frequently ( this way you will remain on top of your audience and allow you to use the algorithm  to make the most of it )
  • posting mixed content types, both in terms of topic and media, will keep your audience alive and not getting bored of always reading the same things.
  • The engagement measure data gives insight on clicks, likes, comments, and shares for each of your posts. You can then determine what type of posts you should be doing more and which ones you should be doing less of. Also, you can see if your post reaches to your fans or to new potential customers
  • People insights give valuable information on the segment of people who are engaging with you on your Facebook content. This is a good insight to know better your target market segment for your business ( interests, country, language).

What’s Good for Other Businesses?

            If you look to get inspiration for future posts, you can surf on the pages from similar audience and see what generates the most engagement. You have to be very attention on the type or on the format on the media ( images, video, images with text, video duration), the tone of voice in the video and also how often you post.

            A better way to craft posts that generate engagement is to use BuzzSumo.com, a tool that will teach you how to improve your business, based on analyzing other business pages.

            BuzzSumo.com can provide you insights of what kind of posts to use to increase your engagement (link, giveaway, video, image), when is the best time of day to make posts.

Further, we will detail the 13 tactics you can use to create Facebook posts that generate the most engagement.

 #1: Attract more Questions through Comments

         Using posts that will make your audience to ask questions will generate more engagement and answers. The best way to do that is to nominate a theme or a topic in a post and letting your audience know that you or somebody else you designate, will answer to them very soon.

Answers can be posted on the facebook page in a video or you can use the Facebook Live tool. Try to be creative on who will give the answers and maybe ask some experts to be on the spotlight and answer to your fans questions. The answers can also be done by you or by your colleagues. Use this kind of interaction as much as you can., people will look forward to the next Q&A session

#2: Generate Messenger Connections by Sharing an Offer in the News Feeds

         Facebook Messenger Bots is an easy and progressively way to amplify the results from their Facebook marketing. There are many bot solutions, such as Manychat.com, which is free and lets you provide automatic answers to people that will leave a comment on your post. This is a good tactic if you want to offer a voucher, share an offer or build a list.

If you use a post with an offer where the audience has to comment (more then one word to not be marked as engagement bait), it will send a signal to the Facebook algorithm that the content you are sharing has to be seen by more of your audience.

#3: Use Emojis to Show Sentiment

Emojis can be powerful tools that help your messages stick with your audience and make your business look more friendly, but there are still 2.666 emojis to choose from. So which one increases engagement the most and which one encourages click-through? To be sure you use the right emoji, have a quick look here: ” https://blog.hubspot.com/marketing/best-emojis”

#4: Use some photos or content made by your followers

           Show your fans how much they matter for you. It will make them keep coming on your page and share much more of your posts. If you like a picture that one of your fans shared and you wanna post it on your page, ask for permission and don’t forget to credit the creator.

#5: Start a Comment Contest

            Want to increase engagement very fast? Nothing easier than having a comment contest on your Facebook page for your fans.

            This can be a good way to make your page more attractive and funny for your fans.

            Don’t forget that promotions (giveaway) on the Facebook page have to include the “acknowledgment that the promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by or associated with Facebook”.

#6: Ask for Feedback

When we are fans of a page, we like to have something to say and to see that our opinion matters. Well, don’t forget that and remember your audience to leave feedback and this way they maybe help you improve something on your business.

#7: Assume Your Community’s Needs and Provide With Right Content

Presenting helpful and useful information to your audience it will attract more comments generating loads of engagements and will make more consumers buy from you. The better you know the audience the easier it will be to share the right valuable information and keep them up to date with the latest news.

#8: Get More Engagement With posting Questions

Interactive posts containing questions for your fans will get them interested in answering to your post,  and also will avoid the engagement bait, which will make the post more popular. You can use simple funny questions, or this can be a chance to share some private details about your business.

#9: Tap Into what’s Topical

             Making a post about what’s happening in the world will make your visitors more active in sharing and commenting on your post. Joining the conversations that your audience is already having, makes you look more like a friend and not like someone who is only trying to get them money. Humans react much better to friends than sellers.

             In business, there is always a key moment and a season calendar. You can use the key moments and season to create posts that will reach as many requirements that your audience cares or affect them.

Another way to make your audience interact and comment (if you are a small business) is to talk about a TV show that you know your fans will be watching or making a post referring to a news story. To be among the first to find the news, you should pay attention to what’s new on Twitter.

#10: Post About community Involvement and Impact Beyond Business

Show to your fans that your business is more than only making money. Share with your fans the fundraisings activities that you are involved, talk about the non-profit associations that you support or reveal the community project that you’re working on. Letting people know about your extra activities and the positive impact that will have, and maybe other people or companies will get involved too or will make them share your posts and generate more traffic and more engagement.

#11:  Share Humor Around the World

              Knowing your audience will make it easier to share funny posts to attract responses from everyone. Don’t be afraid to use a funny post just because you are not a professional comedian! Funny things happen every day, just share the story or use the frustrating moments and turn them into funny acts that can attract lots of comments and shares.

              Nothing fun get’s through your mind right now? No worry just make fun of the ridiculous things that are part of our lives

#12: Attract Attention on Your Page With Scroll-Stopping Media

              The basic step in creating engagement is to captivate attention to your posts on Facebook. To pop up from thousands of posts you have to be creative and use photos or videos made by yourself that will reach to your target audience is fundamental.

News Feed Images

Just make some quick snaps with your phone, add a filter or make them more interesting using some web-based tools like PicMonkey.com, Easil.com, Canva.com, or any other photo editor app you can get on your phone, and you’re ready to post. Do not hesitate to use more than one photo or video in your post, get more attention by creating a collage. On Facebook, you can use the carousel ad format which allows you to showcase up to ten images or videos within a single post, each with its own link.

             With more creative space, you can highlight different products, display specific details about one product, service or promotion.

              Another way to eye-catch your audience is to create GIFs or animates visuals.

Post Videos

              If you want to post videos to boost your business, but you dont know what kind of videos or posts will generate more engagement, One BuzzSumo can help you figure that out.

             The best way to obtain the best engagement by Facebook post is to keep your status no longer than 50 characters.

             When we talk about the video, Facebook’s maximum video length is 4 hours, but this doesn’t mean we have to post a video so long. The optimal length of a video post, on Facebook, to get the attention of the audience is between 3 and 5 minutes.

             Some studies on several Facebook videos ( made by Wochit) show that the square videos get more views, shares, comments, and reactions than the landscape videos. Other studies, still made by Wochit, show that the titles suggesting we need to know about something will attract more views. If your video doesn’t already have a subtitle, Facebook will generate it for you.

             It’s not always a rule that videos will generate more engagements then an image, so keep an open mind and use a mix of both!

Use Live feature

          Going live on your page, it’s the quickest way to maximize the generating of engagement. From a BuzzSumo study, we find out that the optimal length for a Facebook live video it’s about 15 minutes, getting you time to interact with your audience and gain engagement.

           If you have in mind to make a live video, make sure you promote it in advance so your audience will know when to join you.

           Go live at regular times, so your audience includes it in their habits, and to make it more interesting add a comment contest during the live stream, or announce special promotions.

#13 Share an Emotional Significant Story

          Sharing a story, especially one that will get to everybody’s heart it’s perfect for generating more shares, views, and engagement. It can be a short elementary story that fits perfectly for your audience.

Basics you have to know:

 Know your audience

          To be successful you have to start understand and know exactly what your costumers want to see and buy from your business. Once you understand that it will be very easy for you to post the right things for attracting more customers and maximize engagement.

         Try and imagine how your representative customer would look like. Research deep enough into finding as many details as you can about your ideal customer. What’s his job? What’s his gender? Does he have a job or not? It’s single or married, with children or not? Knowing what they do every day, what their needs are, what immediate goals have, what provocations face every day, will make you focus on the right direction with your posts. Having all the details you’ll be talking their language and understand much better their needs, this way you will be attracting more people.

Illustrate Your Brand Quality

          Be creative and vocal! Show to your world who you are and why are you different from others that are on the market like you.

Prioritize Relationships

         Make your audience from your Facebook business Page to talk to each other, make them feel like they are a real community. Interact with them, show your support, be kind, and answer to all comments as fast as you can (the estimated time, that people expect you to react is between 4-6 hours).

Don’t ignore the comments!

          Even if the comments are good or bad make time and answer to all of them. Be polite and positive! Seeing that you are active and answer to them, your fans will continue to talk with you, and wishing to buy more from you. Good quality conversation with your customers means “extra points” in the Facebook algorithm.


           Always review Facebook page Insights and see what you have to improve. Sometimes the posts that you think it will bring most engagement may not be as successful as other posts that you didn’t expect.

           Don’t be afraid to try different tricks to get more engagement and to not lose what you gained until now.

           On Facebook, we are all humans so don’t forget to be one too and you will see your business rising up, and the results will be available very soon.

           Now that you read this article, We are curious to know what tactics, and tips you will try and use on your Facebook business page to maximize engagement?

If you want to grow your small business, check the post about some business marketing tips.

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