Affiliate Marketing Problem Solving 101

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Affiliate Marketing seems to be non-stop problem solving right?   Just imagine, you worked so hard, you did everything right, and the damn campaign just breaks even.

Let me elaborate on that,  you spied, you picked two killer landing pages that are doing well.  Found 2-3 angles for your ad,  you got your targeting down and you are split testing two offers which seem to be hot (again according to due diligence like talking to your reps, also confirming via similarweb pro, and other spy tools) yet, YET!! the damn funnel converts at break even!!

WTF right? Everyone says you are supposed to be making multiple 100% ROI on FB, all you need is accounts right?   Maybe you need to warm the pixel?   Nah, despite doing all that you can still just break even or even lose money… but why?   WHY the F**** does this happen.  You probably scratched your head over it;  got real pissed, and said fuck it, and went to another geo, and/offer or different vertical altogether, testing and testing until one thing hits, and then you ride it till it dies.     Familiar yes?  Oh I know.

But what if there was a way to take a ‘shitty camp’ that just breaks even and turn it around to rake in 1000% ROI?    It is possible, and we have been doing it ever since I read this book called “Problem Solving 101”.   That book was an awakening for me;  that let me approach problems and ask, what might be the solutions.

So for a shitty ass campaign that just seems to break even, here are a couple of things to try to solve the problem of NO ROI, and turn it around for MEGA profits:

-try more angles
-try manual bidding, at different levels
-try different audiences
-try different celebs/people on the landing pages
-try more offers
-try something craze that you’d never think will work, but is funny (this ends up always working for us, somehow the best)

so there you have it, some ideas on how to turn a shitty camp around make it a killer camp… hope u enjoyed another quick-to-the-point-no-blah-blah-post.


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