How to Target Properly on Google Ads to Generate Sales and Conversions

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Targeting is everything when it comes to making sales from your Google ads, which is why I decided to share with you some tips on Targeting and Observation settings in Google Ads that I think can help affiliates.

Targeting vs. Observation

Let’s take a quick look at the difference between the two.

Whenever you choose Targeting as your option in the Audiences tab, you actually narrow down your reach, i.e. your audience. And as you add more layers, e.g. audience placement or topics, you become more and more specific in terms of who gets to see your ads and where you want them to appear.

Things to keep in mind about Targeting:

  • This option is suitable for Display campaigns.
  • It restricts the reach of your ad group. 
  • It allows you to use custom bids or bid adjustment on specific criteria.

If you choose Observation, however, you do not narrow down your audience, i.e. your reach remains the same. Adding additional layers in this case helps you find out how your ad group or campaign is going to perform for different audiences, topics, and placements.

Things to keep in mind about Observation:

  • This option is suitable for both Search and Display campaigns (although I would say it’s more applicable to Search, since you are already using keywords to refine your audience).
  • It allows you to monitor ad performance for selected audiences, topics, or placements.
  • It provides you with data on both campaign and additional criteria performance (which can help you with your future campaigns).

EXAMPLE: Let’s say that you are targeting your website remarketing visitors, and you want to see if that audience is performing better than your in-market audience. Based on the data gathered from your Observation campaign, e.g. the number of impressions and clicks, you can try to increase the bid of your remarketing audience. 

NOTE: Google recommends that you use Targeting for Display campaigns (because the Display Network offers higher chances for you to get a large number of impressions), and Observation for Search and Shopping campaigns (applicable for audiences). When it comes to Video campaigns, you can only use Targeting, because Observation is not available.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let me show you how to properly target your ads on Google.

Click Here to Read This Step By Step Guide Inside the iAmAffiliate Members Area

Here is one topic that may interest you: How To Structure Your Google Ads Campaigns Properly for Conversion Success.

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