The Top 8 Direct Response & Conversion Copywriting Tutorials That Teach How To Write Killer Angles That Make Money

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Conversion Copywriting – The Art of Writing Killer Angles

This is what many, many seasoned, veteran affiliate marketers are saying in 2020. And I can’t blame them. Things have changed. That’s why it’s more important than ever to master the art of conversion focused copywriting.

Facebook and Google’s AI systems can detect BH campaigns BEFORE you even publish any ads to be cloaked. If they don’t insta ban you and your entire account; then they will suck you dry by sending shitty traffic that doesn’t convert.

Years ago, you could rip n run landing pages, throw up one of the click baity ads and see 200-1000% ROI flood in just like that.

The best of the best has a secret though, a secret rip n run affiliates don’t do because, well they are lazy AF!

This secret requires work, creativity, testing, and sweating ‘stats’.

I am talking about coming up with your own ideas, angles and writing entire set of creatives from start to finish.

Ad copies, advertorials, interestitials, the whole shebang. Becoming a copywriting master is science, there are great books out there like Adweek and Cashvertising that touch on how to write compelling copy that converts, and then there’s iAmAffiliate FREE tutorials!

Want to learn conversion copywriting and how to write angles that convert like fire?

iAmAffiliate premium forum has been at the forefront of methods that work right now, and there are quite a few awesome topics that teach how to become a superstar direct response writer and pump out advertorials that convert like wildfire.

Here are the Top 8 Copywriting posts inside iAmAffiliate that will teach you conversion copywriting:


Copywriting 101 – STAR, STORY, SOLUTION SCRIPT | Sales Letters Redefined


[COPYWRITING] 100 Greatest Headlines Ever Written by Jay Abraham


7 “Painful” Copy Writing Tips that Work!


[COPYWRITING] How to Come Up with Lots of Angle Ideas Using This Free Tool


How to write a winning copy for your campaigns


How To Write Advertorials THAT SELL [Whitehat offers]


Create Killer Headlines – 7 Tips You Can Start Using Now To Write Better, Higher Converting Angles


5 Important Tips on How To Write Copy That Converts MORE

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