I’m a list building newbie just like anyone who wants to get into list building. Well, I’m actually a 3 week old infant in list building. But I’ve learned a ton of stuff already, because I took action. One very important thing I learned is how very important it is to do your homework! (Sounds like a cliche? You hear it when it comes to any kind of Internet Marketing, don’t you..right?)
Well, it is very important because we all only have 24 hours in a day. If you don’t do your homework, you might head in the wrong direction and won’t maximize time invested vs profit gained.
I like to take action, I read some stuff on list building on Day 1, day 2 I made and created opt in page, confirmation page, thank you page with leadpages. It’s what everyone uses like John Chow, Jeremy Shoemaker, and all the big IM millionaires including Frank Kern – The GOD of list building! Sign up here if you don’t have LP account yet.
For the mailer I signed up with Aweber – get your account here if you don’t have one. Again, my decision WHY i went with aweber is simple – all the masters of email marketing use it – so I follow their lead, why reinvent the wheel right?
Then, I had an eBook written by my copywriters at pimplabor.com, and also 10 x 500 word articles based on the most popular threads on the dog breed forum. And bunch of other stuff, but I’ll get into the details how I did it another day, another post.
After getting some leads, and running the extra mile I realized – I didn’t do my homework, and I didn’t prepare. Luckily I picked a great niche, can sell them tons of stuff so I hit the nail on the head there, but I realized I don’t enjoy this niche – even though I can relate, I sure as hell don’t follow this niche daily….
Here’s 4 reasons WHY its very important to pick the right niche from the start, and to do your due dilligence
Niche selection is of utmost importance when picking a niche to build a list for, the second most important thing is whether you are interested in it or not. My blog is about making money, I love internet marketing – so i love writing about it and trying stuff in it to see what gets some traction and I share it, because I also like giving back – karma, you see.
Anyway, this is how you pick a kick ass niche to promote!
1. Pick a few niches that you like that are EVER GREEN. Lucky for you, I’ve made a list and posted it here.
2. Pick a niche that has lots of products to promote. If your niche doesn’t have many products you can sell to it, you are shooting yourself in the foot and wasting time. I hope you were able to pick 3-5 from my list I’ve made, now the next step is to check which one(s) have a ton of products available.
Get an account on ClickBank – register at clickbank.com, then after you went through the whole shin-digs of activating your account login and click on Marketplace.
Now find the niche you picked on the left hand categories, or do a search for it and make note of how many products came up that relate to it.
If a niche has a couple products like 3 or 4, then it’s bad, but if you have 50+ products, you know the niche is solid.
3. Pick a niche that has healthy competition – you don’t have a niche with no competition, because that most likely means there’s no one really making money. You don’t want to waste your time so it’s important to do your homework in this regard too.
Head over to google.com, do a search for your niche (lets say pet grooming) and see if there are any advertisers. If there are great, this niche is awesome. If you don’t see any, run – this niche isn’t good.
4. Pick a niche you are passionate about or see yourself wanting to learn more about it – I can’t stress how important this is, think about it for a day or two – don’t make quick decisions. Ideally you want one something that interests you otherwise it will be a pain and not enjoyable to write new broadcasts, emails, hunt for new products/services to promote and the list goes on.
After you have your niche, the next thing to do is plan the back end, the auto responder series, and the products you will be selling to your list. More on this later…