Making Money with List Building – A Primer

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List Building 101There’s a shit ton of ways you can make money online, most people coming in to make money online 9 out of 10 pick the instant gratification one.     That may be mobile media buys,  web based offers, whatever –  in short;  they want to be paid right away there and then.    This is AWESOME! And I take my part in sending leads to CPA Networks; hell that’s how I made more than 1k/day consistently over the past few months after I finally figured it out,  ya ready?  Golden bomb about to be dropped – that ANGLES are everything when it comes to media buying.

OK back to the subject,  so most people pick instant gratificationwhich has a ton of cons.

  • You have to micro manage campaigns
  • Campaigns go down
  • Campaigns cap out
  • Your traffic source can fuck you for unknown reasons to them (as did Google to me)
  • Advertiser cuts the payout
  • Advertiser tells you your lead quality sucks so stop sending leads
  • Advertisers end your cash cow offer

and the list goes on….

The above reasons are why many big time affiliate guys that made MILLIONS of Dollars (so they say) working from home turned into CPA Network owners,  started their own media buying paid forums are creating their own mobile offers and GOT INTO LIST BUILDING!

Just imagine, you are on vacation,  you have systems in place – everyday profits are steady and/or growing because your kick ass team, and well oiled machine in the office is doing a hella of a job launching new campaigns, optimizing them, testing new stuff…   then a policy changes,   offer gets STOPPED,  and you cannot run any other offers because they have an internal problem – where their own ad approval systems can’t tell which creatives adhere to their new policies, and which violate it.       IT HAPPENED TO ME!    So I mapped out the problem on a mindmap using mindjet for anyone who cares…

I asked myself.. What is an asset that I can build which is immune to traffic source fuck ups,   immune to advertisers and will make me money long term.  After searching around for hours and polling smart people on paid forums like STM ..I arrived at NICHE LIST BUILDING!

LIST BUILDING you see is the best type of make money online method there is, period!    If you do your job well, and plan it out it is the only way to make money consistently forever.   Yes, forever.        To build a list and get leads is the simple part,  and from what I’ve seen that is what people focus on the most and lose their attention from what really matters – monetizing the list.

And no, by monetizing the list I don’t mean make a list of emails in a certain niche, then spam the shit out of them with related offers for ever.  Hell No.    If you want a long term money making asset in list building then you MUST do it right.        What makes a list GOOD?  It’s YOU!     Believe it or not,  most marketers fail to understand that list building is about building relationships.  Yup,  you must build up trust,  engage your readers on your mail list – and provide them VALUE.  When you do that, they will trust you like they trust their friend and will buy anything you recommend to them.

So there we have it,  that is why LIST BUILDING is the best thing one can do.  Sure its not instant gratification,  but you only pay for the lead once, and if you do well – you will be able to sell products/services to that person for EVER!

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