Want To Run Dating Offers on Push Ads? Read This Free Tutorial

If you are using spy tools like Adplexity and you spy on push traffic sources, you probably know that dating is very hot on Push.

So I decided to give it a shot, and share the whole process with you guys.

As always the first thing I do when I decide to run something is looking for offers.


How to find out which are the best offers for your push ads traffic?

Starting out with offers that are already proven  (performing well for others) is important. It can be a huge money and time saver.

You can find such offers by using spy tools to find out what others are running, and which ones are the top performers.

Or you can just simply talk to your Affiliate manager at your CPA network and ask which offers are the best right now. Don’t be shy to ask, it’s their job to help you, and if your campaigns are successful it brings them profit, so it’s a win win situation.

Since I know from other affiliates (affiliate giants) that Top Offers is one of the best network for dating offers I’m going to stick with them.

I asked my affiliate manager at Top Offers for the top 3 performing Geos at the moment and the top 2 offers for each geo.

So I’m going to start with 3 Geos:



-United Kingdom

and with the best two offers for each geo, so I can split test them.

Spying for the best performing Push Ads Creatives and Landing Pages that make money

Next I’m going to spy on competitors to see what are the best performing ads and landing pages.

In my opinion the best tool for this is Adplexity Push, so I’m going to use that, and I highly recommend it to you as well if you are looking for a professional spy tool.

adplexity review

With Adplexity you can easily find the best performing ads and LPs in any vertical.

So this is how I do it.

First I set the date filter to last 30 days

adplexity push ads

Then I choose my target Country:


and then I sort the ads by ’’received most traffic’’

adsplexity tricks

Then what I usually do is I just scroll down and browse the ads, then I save the best ones and check the landing pages later as well.

You can also put keywords in the search box like ’’dating’’ for example to filter down your search results, or you can select from different Ad Categories like adult, sweeps, etc.


Next I find the top 3 ads based on receiving the most traffic in the last 30 days, I save the ad images and texts and write my own text later based on those.

Same thing with the images, I save them and later I create very similar ones for myself.


Then I also check the landing pages, by clicking on the red ’’Show More’’ button and I click through the redirect chance to find the lander.

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cpa dating offers

And here is the first landing page I found:

flirt n date cpa dating offer

So now I check all 3 landing pages, download them, and send them to BannerLanders for cleaning. I never skip this because there might be malicious scripts and click stealer codes hidden in these landers. 

Then I like to change the images and text wherever I can to make them your own. (Bannerslanders can do it for you as well)

Lastly, I upload the landers to my server and I start creating my tracking campaign in Redtrack.

How to Setup Your Tracking Campaign Properly with RedTrack

Before you can create your tracking campaign there are 4 things you need to add:

  1. Offer Source (CPA Network)
  2. Offers
  3. Landers
  4. Traffic Source (ZeroPark)

STEP #1 Adding the Offer Source

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top offers

STEP #2 Adding the Offers


Always check and make sure that your affiliate URL has the correct clickid parameter (ask your affiliate manager)

At TopOffers I need to send the clickid on the data2 parameter, so in my case I need to add this to my URL:



STEP #3  Adding Landers

redtrack tutorial

STEP #4  Adding the Traffic Source

exoclick zeropark push ads

STEP #5  Create your tracking campaign

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As you can see my funnel contains 3 landing pages, so I can split test them (Redtrack automatically rotates them) to see which one will perform the best.

And I have 1 offer, you can add multiple offers and split test them too, but now my affiliate manager said that this one is the best right now, so I’m going to go with only one offer for now.

Campaign Setup for Dating Offer on Zeropark Push Ads

Okay so it’s time to set up the campaigns on Zeropark. Let’s start with DE campaign.


I’m going to run RON campaigns, so basically I’m buying all the traffic available for my targeting setting, and then optimise (cut placements etc. later)


Next I name the campaign and select my target country which is Germany in this case.


Next I set the bid and daily budget. I’m going to start with $50/day and with the suggested bid for Germany which is $0.015.


Next I choose the device types (always separate mobile and desktop campaigns, never run both in one campaign) 

I leave the frequency filter on 24h for now, and since I’m running adult dating offers I select Adult in the adult filters section.


Next step is to upload the creatives


Then I copy my tracking campaign URL from Redtrack and paste it in the Destination URL box on Zeropark.


And I also setup conversion tracking. First I select Redtrack:


Then I copy the S2S postback URL and paste it in Redtrack.


That’s it, now I repeat the same steps for my France and United Kingdom campaigns.

Optimization and Scaling The Winning Creatives

When the campaigns are approved and start getting traffic, I go to redtrack, and check the data on my campaigns

I want to make sure that everything was set up correctly. So I go to reports and if I see data comming through the subs and other parameters (source id, creative id etc.) it means everything is good.

Also when I get the first lead, I check redtrack and zeropark too, if I see it in both places it means the postback is working correctly.

After a day or so I check the stats in Redtrack and see if I can start optimising.

I usually start with creatives and landing pages.


What I’m looking for is any significant data which shows that one creative is better or worse than others.

For example If all creatives got 1-2 conversions that’s not enough data. However if CREATIVE #1 got 12 conversions while CREATIVE #2 got only 2, that means CREATIVE #1 is much better so I can cut CREATIVE #2.

When I cut a creative I replace it with a new one, which is very similar to the best converting ones, this way I can make sure that I’m going to end up with the very best creatives.

Then I do the same thing with my Landing Pages.

I usually start with at least 3 Landers and at the end I end up using only one, the best one.

Next I start optimizing the placements (target ids)


A general rule here is to get rid of the placements that spend more than 1X the CPA payout and get NO leads.

You can also cut at 1,5-2X, it’s up to you, but in my experience cutting at 1X the payout works great.

There are going to be many placements and many shitty ones honestly, so you can always sort the placements by COST and cut the bad ones.

The key here is to get rid of the shitty placements as soon as possible, and build a whitelist of good placements.

That’s why we started with a RON campaign, to hand pick the best converting targets/sources and then launch a new TARGET campaign on ZeroPark with a whitelist of the best converting placements (target ids)

So as soon as you collected your best converting placements, export them in a CSV document from RedTrack


Then go to zeropark, launch a new campaign, and this time instead of RON select TARGET campaign.


Then set up the campaign just like we did before, and at the end it will ask you to add the target ids you want to target.


Then just copy your targets and paste them in the ’’Bulk add targets’’ box, click ’’Add Targets’’ and that’s it


When it comes to scaling the first thing you can try is to play with the bids and daily budgets. First you should increase the daily budget and see what happens, you might be able to generate more profit just by doing that.

You should also try to decrease the bids, but be careful, you might end up not getting traffic if you do it too aggressively. So start slow, decrease by 10% first and go from there.

Then you can also copy your best converting creative ads and test them in other GEOs. Or if you want to stick to a specific GEO, you can launch new campaigns with the same Ads and Landing Pages on other traffic sources.

Bonus Tip

Have you ever seen these ’’confirm you are a human ’’ or ’’click allow if you’re 18’’ types of lander?

You probably did, these are very popular and people use these landers to build their own push databases.

The way it works is when people click on these ’’I agree’’ buttons they automatically opt-in to a third party push database.

Having your own push database is awesome, because you can advertise to your subscribers any time you want, for free.

So you can grab some of these kinds of landers, here’s an example:


and put it before your real landing page to start collecting subscribers and build your own push database, where you can advertise whatever you want, whenever you want.

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4 thoughts on “Want To Run Dating Offers on Push Ads? Read This Free Tutorial”

  1. The No bullshit version :
    Affiliate links to RedTrack, good Tracker Ok
    Affiliate links to HasOffers, indeed good Affiliate Network
    BannersLanders : You promote your own company, ok…

    You spend your time to say “Rip&Run is die” on Telegramm and…. OH a rip&Run case Study (Hello Adplexity affiliate links)

    ZeroPark (promotion again) has low volume and shitty Trafic on Adult Push. It’s completely Useless to buy adult traffic on this platform :
    Ridiculous volume
    Awful quality, be sure Advertiser will stop your campaign for bad quality

    At least the Bonus Tip is pretty good.

    As usual with you, you purpose the typical Noob trap on your blog for promoting your affiliate links.
    I’m curious if this comment will be delete or not 🙂

    • About the affiliate links, you probably missed my Full Disclosure Policy that was published back in 2017 on my blog here.

      “Rip n Run is die” (Do you speak English?) YES, that’s why you need to make your own variant.

      ZeroPark is not shitty, you are just a horrible marketer. If it was indeed shitty, there wouldn’t be so many ads being run on Zeropark, which you see on spy tools because then no one would make money.

      Just because you are a jaded, negative person doesn’t mean others don’t make money online (as the spy tools prove it).

      You probably don’t have access to the best offers that are private and exclusive to the top guys, or you don’t know the right people who can help you get a MOAT of some kind.

      Maybe you should consider another industry, because affiliate marketing is hard and not for everyone.

  2. I didn’t say Zeropark is shitty, I said Zeropark is shitty for Adult Traffic.

    ZeroPark is pretty good for Sweepstakes.

    For Adult traffic they have low volume and bad quality for Advertiser (very low conversion rate lead => Trial).
    Why not, if you want to spend $100/day and change your offer every week, but it’s a lot of time for poor results.

    I Spent 1-2K$/ Day on Adult Display, so on my main geo, I have some good private offers, maybe not the best yes because 1-2K/day is not so big compare to big Afiiliates in Adult Industry, but do you think a beginner will have them also (specially if you start to send poor leads from ZeroPark 🙂

    Some big affiliates buy Adult traffic on ZeroPark so you see them on Spytool yes. They send shitty leads BUT they spend also a lot of money on good Adult Traffic sources  so the ratio is good for Advertiser.
    If you send 700 leads per day from TrafficStars, TrafficJunky… and 50 from ZeroPark, it’s okay for Advertiser, your global ratio will be good.
    Check your Push Spytool and spy on big adult webistes it’s same domains.

    Indeed Affiliate Marketing is hard 🙂

    PS: Thanks for your previous answer, I’m surprise you did and validate the post, it honors you. 

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