TikTok Ads is getting more and more popular among affiliate marketers. Some people say it’s the ‘’new Facebook Ads’’. And it is kind of true, but at the moment we think it’s even better than Facebook Ads.
TikTok Ads has all the great targeting options that Facebook has which makes it very effective for advertisers. Many people still think that TikTok is for kids, and there are only kids on the platform, but that’s not true at all, there is a big audience in the older age groups as well.
Since we have all the great targeting options on TikTok, lead generation offers are working extremely well on the platform. The most popular lead generation niches on Tiktok right now are, Solar, Insurance, Mortgage and Home Improvement offers.
This time we are going to run Solar since it’s very popular right now, and we are going to promote the top converting Solar offer at ClickDealer.
ClickDealer is one of the best CPA networks when it comes to promoting lead generation offers, so I highly recommend working with them.
So without any further ado, let’s get started and let me show you step by step how you can make it too!
Preparing Creatives
Once you have your offer from ClickDealer the next step is preparing your creatives. For TikTok Ads you need video ads.
You can use the Tiktok Creative Center to spy on your competitors’ campaigns for free. It is very similar to the Facebook Ads Library.

You can filter ads by GEOs, industry, campaign objectives and more. It is a great tool you can use to get ad ideas for your campaigns for absolutely free.
Another spying tool which is even better is PipiAds.

PipiAds is a paid spy tool but you have much more options and filters and it’s much easier to find the exact niche and offer you are looking for.

With this tool you can easily find the best performing solar campaigns in minutes. Just search for the keyword ‘’solar’’ select the United States as your geo, date filter to last 15 days and sort by popularity

Then hit search and you will see the best performing solar ads from the last 15 days. Use those to get ideas for your own videos and start working on your ads.
You can use simple and easy to use video editing programs such as Lumen5 or Camtasia.
Campaign Tracking Setup
Redtrack is our go-to tracking software, that’s what we use for all of our campaigns, so I’ll show you how to set it up. However, the fundamental steps you need to follow to set up tracking are essentially the same in all other trackers as well.
To get started, log in to your RedTrack account and add ClickDealer as your Offer Source (CPA network). All you need to do is go to the offer source catalog and select ClickDealer.

After clicking on Add, copy the generated postback URL and place it inside your ClickDealer dashboard. This is important for conversion tracking.

Next you can add your offer. Go to offers, add new, name your offer, select the offer source, add your unique offer link and make sure it includes the correct clickID parameter.

You also need to add TikTok as a traffic source so go to the traffic source catalog and select TikTok Ads.

Create your tracking campaign following that. Click Add New under Campaigns, give your campaign a name, and choose Tiktok as your traffic source.
Then to properly track Costs and other data, connect TikTok with Redtrack via API. After you click Add, scroll down and click on Connect TikTok.
It will take you to your TikTok account, you need to log in and create an Access Token, and you also need to create your pixel if you haven’t already.
Then you need to copy your Pixel ID and Access Token and add them in RedTrack.

When it’s done you can create your tracking campaign. Click Add New under Campaigns, give your campaign a name, and choose Tiktok as your traffic source.

Then you need to select your offer, and if you want to use a custom landing page you can add that too, then click save.

Once it’s saved go to tracking links and parameters and copy your campaign URL.

That’s it, now the next step is launching your campaign on TikTok.
Launching Your Campaign On TikTok
If you ever launched a campaign on Facebook, launching on TikTok will be very simple for you. It’s almost the same, maybe even easier.
To get started, go to campaigns and click on the Create button.

Select conversions for your campaign objective

Then enter a name for your campaign. You can also set a campaign budget, but I’m gonna leave it off because we are going to set the daily budget on the adgroup level.

Next name your adgroup and select Website as promotion type. If you are using a custom landing page, select your TikTok pixel, add it to the <head> section of your landing page, and select your optimization event.
I’m going to use TikTok’s instant pages instead of a custom lander, so I’m going to select instant page, and Click Button as an optimization event.

At the placements setting, I’m going to uncheck news feed apps and Pangle, since I only want my ads to be shown on TikTok.

Next switch automated creative optimization if you are going to use multiple video ads so TikTok can split tests and optimize them for you.

You should start with 2-4 different ads at the beginning.
The next step is targeting. Select custom targeting, and choose the GEO, gender and age groups you want to target.
PRO TIP: Ask your ClickDealer account manager, what are the top converting US states and age groups for your offer, and target only those in TikTok Ads.

You can target all kinds of interests and behaviors just like on Facebook, however we found that TikTok is doing a very good job finding the best audience for you so I’m going to leave that on default and let TikTok find the best audiences.
Next you can set your daily budget. If you are starting out with 4 ads, I recommend creating 2 ad groups, 2 video ads in both, and $50 a day per adset for start.

Next you can create a custom identity for your ad account and then you can upload your videos ads.

Then if you want to use an instant page instead of a lander, like I do, click on create a new instant page.

Creating an instant page is extremely simple, like playing legos. It’s like the easiest drang and drop page builder you can imagine.

When your instant page is ready, submit your campaign and that’s it!
Optimizing & Scaling Campaigns
Once your campaign gathers some data, probably after 1-2 days, start analyzing and optimizing it.
You can also use automated rules on TikTok to prevent spending too much on creative or ad group that is not getting conversions.

Here is an example. With this rule if the ad group spends more then $20 without getting any conversions it will be paused.

This is just an example you can set basically any kind of rule you want.
Once you have enough data, start optimizing your ads and ad groups. If one of your videos works much better than the others, get rid of the other ones and create a new adgroup with that video in it.
Try to create and add more videos for testing, videos that are similar to your top performing ad. If one of your ad groups starts showing profits, duplicate the adgroup and increase the daily budget by 20%.
Never try to scale a profitable adset too aggressively, it could kill your campaigns performance and ROI. Try to duplicate ad groups instead and increase the budget by 20% every day.
Also see which US states are working the best and focus only on those. You can create new ad groups and videos for specific US states and try to scale those as well.
If you have great ROI and you really need to scale more aggressively, create or buy new ad accounts and diversify.
Launch your winning ad groups on those new accounts as well and scale them by duplicating and slowly increasing the daily budget. Otherwise if you just use one account and increase the budget too fast, TikTok might find it suspicious and ban your account, so be careful.
Solar lead generation offers are very popular these days and works very well on social traffic. On TikTok you can use the same advanced targeting feature you can on Facebook which makes it extremely good for such offers, and you don’t have to worry that much about getting randomly banned and losing accounts.
There are many Solar affiliate offers out there, but to make profits it’s important to start with a good offer that is proven to have high conversion rates, and that’s why we highly suggest working with ClickDealer.
So stop wasting time, create your account now and start making profits!???