Of course you cannot just run any random casino offers on cheap traffic sources without knowing what you are doing, because it’s not going to work out. BUT with the right casino offers and affiliate marketing strategies you can generate big profits with your campaigns.
So in this tutorial, I’m going to show you how to choose offers, how to launch and optimize your campaigns on Google Ads, as well as how to scale them for more profits.
Are you ready to make some serious profits with casino offers? If yes, let’s get started!
✅To get started, add Algo Affiliates on Skype ➡️ live:info_887080, or Telegram: info@algo-affiliates.com
How To Choose Offers That Convert
As I mentioned before, it’s very important to start with offers that are proven to convert. If the offer is not good enough, you are not going to make it profitable no matter what you do.
That’s why I highly suggest choosing Algo Affiliates as your CPA network when you are looking for casino offers. Their offers are proven to work with high conversion rates and EPC.

One of their best exclusive casino offers right now is called the Sloto Cash Casino. This offer converts very well on Google Ads PPC in the United States.
The offer page looks like this:

This offer is only available for the US audience, and it’s for Google Ads only, so you can’t send traffic from any other geos or traffic sources. Just like I mentioned before, you can’t just run cheap traffic to random casino offers, that’s not going to work out, you need the best offers and high quality traffic to achieve big success, keep that in mind.
So once you have your offer link, the next step is setting up campaign tracking.
✅To get started, add Algo Affiliates on Skype ➡️ live:info_887080, or Telegram: info@algo-affiliates.com
Campaign Tracking Setup With Redtrack
We use Redtrack for tracking our campaigns so I’m going to show you how to set up tracking with Redtrack, but even if you chose another tracker, the setup process will be pretty much the same.
First you need to add Algo Affiliate as your Offer Source (CPA Network) in Redtrack.

Next you need to add the offer. Go to offers, add new, enter the offer name, select Algo Affiliates as the offer source and add your offer link.

Make sure to include Algo Affiliates correct clickID parameter in your offer URL. If you are not sure, ask your affiliate manager and they will be happy to assist you.
The next step is adding your landing pages. It’s up to you if you want to use custom pre-landers or not, but I highly suggest testing at least 2 or 3 landers to see which one performs the best. You can always ask your affiliate manager at Algo Affiliates, they can give you examples of the best working landers for this offer.
To add your landing page, go to Landers and click add new.

After that you need to add Google Ads as the traffic source. Redtrack has pre-built templates for all major traffic networks, so all you need to do is select Google Ads from their templates and click add.

One of the reasons why I like Redtrack the most is because they support API integrations and no-redirect tracking. With the API integration you can track campaign costs, you can pause campaigns, creatives, placements etc. directly from Redtrack.
So after you add Google Ads as traffic source, scroll down and click on the Sign in with Google button

Accept integration permissions and fill in the mandatory fields, and that’s it.
Once the traffic source was saved the next step is creating your tracking campaign. Go to campaigns, add new, and create your campaign by selecting your traffic source, landers and offer.

When it’s done, click save then go to the tracking links and parameters section and select No-Redirect. By doing this Redtrack will generate a no-redirect script for you, that you need to put into the <head> section of your landing page.
We are doing this because Google doesn’t like tracking links and redirects, so we use no-redirect tracking which lets us use the landing page URL as our final link.
Once the tracking campaign was created, the next step is launching the campaign in Google Ads.
Campaign Setup and Launch in Google Ads
In this step I’m going to show you how to set up and launch your campaign in Google Ads. We are going to launch a search campaign and target relevant keywords that we want our ads to appear for searches.
To get started, click on New campaign from your Google Ads dashboard

Then select your campaign objective. You can either select sales or leads, but for this we are going to select leads.

Next you need to select Search as your campaign type

And select your bidding strategy. I suggest choosing conversions here since that’s what we want to focus on and optimize for later.

In the next step, select Search network only, if you want to test your campaign on display network as well, I suggest launching a new Display campaign separately.

Then select the United States as your target GEO, we are going to target the entire US and later we will analyze which states are performing the best and optimize based on that data.
If you don’t want to test the entire US for any reason (lack of testing budget for example) you can use Google Trends to see in which states online casinos are the most popular, and start with targeting those only.

In the ad rotation section, always select the Optimize option, because it will rotate your ads and optimize for the best performing ads.

The next step is keywords targeting. Keyword research can be time consuming, but it’s also one of the most important steps you need to take. Your whole PPC campaign is built around your keyword list so you should take your time and do proper keyword research before you start.
However you can (and should) always refine your keyword list later to find more and more profitable ones, so if your first keyword list is not the best one, don’t worry, just keep working on your campaign.
There are many good keyword research tools out there, but probably the easiest you can start with is Google’s Keyword Planner, and it’s completely free.
There are 3 main things you need to keep in mind when doing your keyword research:
Choose relevant keywords: Your keyword always needs to be closely related to the offer you promote. It’s very important because you don’t want to pay for clicks that are very unlikely to convert.
Build comprehensive keyword lists: Long-tail keywords should also be included in your keyword research along with the most well-known and often searched terms in your niche. Long tail keywords are less frequent and more specific, and also less expensive and less competitive.
Refine your keyword lists regularly: You should constantly refine and expand your keyword list to make it constantly growing, adapting and improving.
Once you have your keywords, add them here

After that it’s time to create your ads. First use your landing page URL as your final URL in Google (IF you use no-redirect tracking like I do)

Then create your ads. Use as many headlines as you can, Google will rotate them to find the best performing ones for you.
Don’t go too aggressive with your ads because Google might reject it, and make sure your ads don’t violate any of Google Ads policies. You can read more about Google’s policies on running casino campaigns here.
When you write your ad copies, be creative, you need to encourage people to click on your ad but on the other hand you can’t be aggressive. Try to focus on the bonuses Sloto Cash Casino offers.
If you check the offer page, you will see that they have an exclusive offer which says, if you deposit $25 you get $125 for free as a bonus. You can try to incorporate this into your ad texts and descriptions.

You can also use the ‘’Reasons Casino Lovers recommend us’’ section as well from the offer page to get more ideas for your ads.

Once your ads are ready, add the tracking parameters from the tracking links and parameters section in Redtrack, to the Tracking template box in Google Ads

then click save and submit your campaign.
Optimizing and Scaling Profitable Campaigns
When your campaign goes live and starts spending, you need to leave it at least for a day to gather data before you start adjusting. After that you need to regularly analyze the performance and make adjustments to optimize your campaign for profits.
Start with analyzing your keywords, find expensive and underperforming keywords and get rid of them. Once some keywords are neutral, not good but not bad either, try to lower the bids on those and see how they perform.
Keep adding new keywords regularly to expand reach and to find more and more profitable keywords. Also add non converting keywords as negative keywords to reduce wasted spend and improve your campaign relevancy.
Check the performance of your landing pages in RedTrack

and see which one is getting the most conversions, which one has the best CTR (click through rate) and adjust your setting based on that data. If you test multiple landers, get rid of the under performing ones.
You also need to analyze your ads, find the best performing ones and try to add more very similar ads. The most important metrics here you need to focus on are the CPC (Cost Per Click), Conversions Rate, Cost Per Conversion.
Another thing you should do is splitting ad groups into smaller more relevant ad groups which can help you create more targeted ads and most importantly it can improve your CTR (click through rate) and Quality score.
When your campaign starts performing really well and it’s profitable, you need to focus more on scaling. You can start with increasing the daily budget, but be careful, you should not go too hard, increase the budget slowly and gradually, because if you increase too fast the algorithm might kill the performance.
Create new keyword lists with only the top performing keywords and scale by launching new campaigns and more ad groups using your top ads and LPs. Put a bigger daily budget on these campaigns right away, and you should be able to scale your profits fast.
✅To get started, add Algo Affiliates on Skype ➡️ live:info_887080, or Telegram: info@algo-affiliates.com
To wrap things up here are the most important steps you need to take to craft successful campaigns that will bring you high ROIs:
Choose offers that are proven to work. This is probably one of the most important things, you need to have a good offer that converts. Luckily I already showed you which one works the best right now so all you have to do is create your Algo Affiliates account, and tell your account manager that you want to run the Sloto Cash Casino offer on Google Ads.
Set up tracking properly. Tracking is very important to see which landers, ads, keywords etc. works the best for you and which ones are wasting your money. You need that data to optimize and make your campaigns profitable.
Do proper keyword research. Take your time to search and find the best relevant keywords for your campaign, don’t forget about long tail keywords and expand your keyword list regularly to improve your campaign.
Use negative keywords. Don’t forget about negative keywords, they will reduce wasted spend and improve campaign relevancy.
Split test landers and ad groups. Split test your landing pages to find the best and most profitable combinations as soon as possible, and create multiple ad groups for testing to improve CTR and your quality score.
Scale! Once you find profitable combos, start working hard on scaling to generate more and more profits as fast as you can!
These are the most important things you need to work on in order to achieve great success with running casino campaigns. Good luck!