How to Increase Profits on Your Ecommerce Store with Google and Facebook Ads Combined

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I noticed that a lot of people tend to forget about Facebook/Instagram ads once they start using Google ads in their efforts to maximize their sales and profits. And while that’s not necessarily a bad thing, you should remember that FB ads can be quite effective, too, when it comes to taking your sales to a whole new level.

So, I wanted to share with you some ideas (and strategies) on how you can combine Facebook and Google ads to get the best out of both worlds for your ecom store.

Google Ads vs. Facebook Ads

On one hand, if you have a product that solves a certain need and that’s a bit on the expensive side, you’ll have higher chances of selling it through Google ads rather than Facebook ads. 

Why? Because people who click through an ad on Google are usually the ones searching for exactly what you have to offer. They type in a keyword or the name of the product, see your ad, go to the product page, and buy the product.

On the other hand, Facebook is great if you want to promote a new — and relatively cheap — product, something that people haven’t seen before, or if you have a product that’s really engaging. This means that if you create a great video ad, convince people that your product is cool, and then send them to the product page of an item they can by on a whim, you will be able to make a sale.

Of course, this doesn’t mean that you can’t sell expensive items on Facebook and vice versa, but that you might have more success if you used these two platforms the way they were intended to be used — when it comes to ecommerce and dropshipping, at least.

How to Get Google and Facebook Ads to “Work” Together

Like I said, I’ll give you a couple of strategies that you can use to get the best results for your business.

Strategy #1: Opt for Retargeting

Retargeting on Google can be highly effective — if you do it right. 

Take dynamic retargeting, for example. The way it works is that Google shows your ads to people who viewed a product on your store, but didn’t buy it. These ads follow your consumers all of the Internet, no matter where they are, due to the fact that Google works with so many different websites all over the world.

In theory, dynamic retargeting should work great. In practice? Your ads will mostly show up on banners, which people are starting to ignore more and more (banner blindness), and you won’t be able to increase your sales.

If you use Facebook retargeting, however, you’ll probably have more success with your ads. All you need to do is install the Facebook Pixel on your website, use it to track the people who arrived to your site via Google ads (people who are actually interested in your product), and later on retarget them on Facebook. 

Your ad will appear on the News Feed, where people are far more engaged than on Google and tend to click more on ads. If you put in some effort into creating a cool ad, with great copy and visuals, you should have no problems making sales.

NOTE: You can get your traffic on Facebook and retarget people on Google, but retargeting on FB is generally more effective and acquiring that initial traffic from Google is definitely easier

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