How To Scale TikTok Ads To $XXX,XXX Using Automated Rules in 2023!

It’s not a secret that there are many details and nuances when making TikTok ads. It’s a huge platform, with millions of daily users that spend an average of more than 50 minutes daily  ON it. A successful ad takes skill, time, and some investment. But, don’t fret. As experienced affiliate marketers, we offer you our expertise and guidance in this TikTok ads tutorial. We will teach you how to scale TikTok ads and set up TikTok ads rules and automation. You can also find many similar articles on my forum iAmAffiliate. Let’s jump straight to the point.

What you need to know about TikTok ads rules and automation

There are quite a few tips and tricks that can help you make everything run smoothly. Learning how to scale TikTok ads correctly can skyrocket your earnings and make the whole process less stressful. This powerful skill can make a seemingly weak campaign into a real money printer and also recognize other potential candidate ads for scaling. When scaling ads, patience is essential, so don’t try and rush things. You will need to set aside some time and truly dedicate it to this task. Automated rules can help you do most of the repetitive tasks so you don’t have to waste your time on them, so make sure to use them as much as possible.

Man holding a phone testing TikTok ads rules and automation.
TikTok ads rules and automation are a great tool to boost your earnings.

Keep this in mind to make sure your ads don’t get banned

The first step in this TikTok ads tutorial is the one that you have to pay special attention to. You need to make sure all your invested money doesn’t go to waste once you launch your ads. This means you have to learn what TikTok doesn’t allow and what can get you potentially banned from the platform. It’s against the rules on TikTok to:

  • To disseminate objectionable content, including scenes of brutality and violence.
  • To encourage illicit behavior. Contract betting, pyramid schemes, gambling, multi-level marketing, and other similar activities are prohibited.
  • To promote firearms, birth control, drugs, tobacco, alcohol, financial services, and gambling. The complete list may be seen here.
  • Misinformation. You may not publish anything that misinforms readers about medical and health issues, civil litigation, or other matters.
  • Intellectual property rights infringement. You can’t pass off someone else’s content as your own, or use slogans, graphics, or trademarks that belong to someone else.

All custom TikTok ads rules and automation that you’re gonna need

Now that we covered what not to do, here’s what you’ll need to make the software do all the work for you. Setting up rules can help you waste less money. For purposes of scaling ads, I recommend that you make these 5 simple ad rules:

  1. No results – For example, if the total cost of the ad group is 10 dollars and brings only 1 dollar in returns the software will turn it off automatically.
  2. False-negative –  If an ad group gets a conversion in the last moment and it’s actually good, this rule flips it back on. This should be applied to inactive ad groups only.
  3. Stop-loss – If you’re running ads and spending 20 dollars while only getting 2 dollars profit, turn it off. This stops you from wasting money on ads that are not winning. Even though you want the threshold to be set to $12 for 10 dollar investment, it lags behind so setting it to $10 achieves the best results.
  4. Turn on ad sets – This one is very important. If one ad set loses money one day it doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s gonna lose money the next day. Using this rule, the software can give another chance to ads stopped by the stop-loss rule.
  5. Turn on main – This rule turns on all campaigns that have the word main in it. The only reason you make this rule is so you don’t have to manually do it every day. Just put the word main in the campaign name if you want the rule to be triggered on a campaign automatically.

Don’t miss this crucial information on how to scale TikTok ads 

The first thing you need to have when scaling and making TikTok ads rules and automation is patience. Don’t try to upscale campaigns too fast, as it will lose you money. Always let them run for 5-7 days first. Also, setting an ad’s budget to $20 is recommended. This is mostly because you can’t really know if an ad does good or not if it spends less than that. 

A phone, glasses and coffee on a desk.
Scaling is a common procedure in affiliate marketing, so doing it efficiently is important.

Choose an ad to scale up

If you see that an ad is making some money and the amount is steadily increasing during the first week, that’s a good sign that it’s an ad worth scaling. Increase the budget of the ad steadily, $10 or $20 at a time. What you can also do is create more campaigns. Whichever you choose, it’s important that you let the rules work for you. Since ads can play mind games with you letting the automation do its thing is recommended. Each day the results can vary greatly. One ad that seemed like a flop can outperform the one that showed potential and vice versa. 

The first method – increasing the budget

If you start losing money at any point, the rules you set up earlier will cut them off. When your campaign is making you money, the first way to scale it up is by doubling the budget. If it’s still making you money, you want to scale even more in the same way. For example, if you allocated $20 to your campaign as a start, after 7 days of decent performance scale it up to 30. After some time, increase it to 50, etc. 

Second method – duplicating a campaign or a set of ads

Another way to scale a successful campaign is to duplicate it. However, this method takes a bit of time to set everything up, wait for it to get approved, and do other stuff. Follow the exact thing you did in the successful campaign. Further, it’s possible to duplicate an ad set as well. After you have duplicated several ads, change them so the ads target different interests. Preferably, do it in a way so you still have at least two or three million potential targets (depending on the targeted location’s population of course. TikTok will give you a handy indicator to know if your targeting is too narrow).


As you can see, custom rules and automation can make things very efficient. It’s the primary reason why I always use them when scaling TikTok ads. Scaling itself is nothing too complicated. There are two ways to do it, and you can even combine them if you want. 

A phone and a computer will help you learn  how to scale TikTok ads.
 Once you know how to scale TikTok ads, your money will be invested in a much safer way.

Hopefully, my TikTok ads tutorial will help you make better ads with less work, which will make you even more money. Knowing how to utilize TikTok ads rules and automation is a great skill, that will surely help you a lot in the future. You can even use these ideas for other platforms as well as the automation system is similar across all of them. 

For more information about TikTok, affiliate marketing, and anything else hop to our premium forum iAmAffiliate. There you’ll find everything you need to make a successful career in the industry and start making huge gains!

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