How to Target like a Pro on Youtube using Google Ads!

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VIDEO ADS, they are rising. Facebook pretty much made them the only ad format that works these days, I’m not saying that image ads don’t work anymore, but ever since FB went hardcore giving video ads more reach than say image ads… others started following suit and Google Ads is now a great place to run video ads on. They are cheap, and now you can do the 15 second no skip ones only certain ‘beta testers’ were able to do months prior.

Anyway, In this guide or case study – call it whatever you want I am going to explain HOW I TARGET OUR IDEAL AUDIENCE aka affiliate marketers for my company BANNERS&LANDERS that creates high quality, handmade safesites (not auto generated shit with crappy ass spun content that u get when you buy accounts from FarmerJack or SocialSolutions or SO FARM!) , landing pages, offer pages, and creatives like video ads and image ads.

So our target audience are BH advertisers, as we have a bad ass service for them that can help em make more moneys and not get banned super fast.

SO how do we target our ideal customers?

1) I know aff marketers are 25-45 years old, and male.
*there are ladies too, but they are usually working at CPA networks looking to grab you by the balls to run with them (no pun intended)

2) I also research their ‘daily uses’ … so let’s think… what services, products, brands, tools do affiliates use…

Here are some tips:

SPY TOOLS like, CPA NETWORKS like Adcombo, TRACKERS like RedTrack, FORUMS like STM

3) I also know the stereotype which is expensive watches+thailand+lambos

so to get my video to show to affiliate marketers

I created a YT ad on G ads.

One adgroup is targeting by keywords from the list I built above
Another AG is targeting by Youtube channels (i typed in the kws from above to get YT channels)
Another AG is targeting broad by age and sex as well as UNKNOWN and layered with the ‘stereotypical stuff” and affinity interest of affiliate marketing.

So that’s how we reach affiliate marketers.

You can apply the above to any niche to get the lowest CPA.

Here’s the video in case you are wondering:

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