How To Run PIN Submit Campaigns On ZeroPark and Make Big Returns

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If you have any experience in promoting affiliate offers with paid ads, you probably know how great mobile traffic can be. There are many affiliate offers that are specifically made for mobile traffic, such as mobile web, in-app and sms offers.

But other than that, there is another offer type called Pin Submit, which is one of the most easy to run offers when it comes to mobile advertising. So even if you are a newbie affiliate, these offers might be great to start!

In this tutorial I’m going to show you everything you need to get started with your pin submit campaigns, how to set up, launch and optimize your campaigns for profits.

So here we go!

What Is a PIN Submit Offer?

Pin Submit offers allow users to pay for services such as subscriptions directly from their mobile phones without having to deal with the long process of providing credit card and other payment details, and because of that, Pin Submit offers makes it much easier to get users to pay.

The way these offer types work is very simple, visitors click on your ad, they go to the offer page where the only thing they need to do is enter their phone number and send a text message to receive a PIN code.

When it comes to choosing offers to promote, the most popular Pin Submit offers among affiliates are:

  • Games
  • Dating Apps
  • Lotteries
  • Antivirus
  • Fortune and Horoscopes

You can go to to find networks with pin submit offers. Simply search for ‘’pi submit’’ in the search bar and see results.

Where To Promote PIN Submit Offers

Once you find the offer you want to promote, you also need to choose a traffic source where you can promote your offer.

From past experience we know that mobile offers such as pin submits work great on Pop, and since Zeropark is one of the top traffic sources when it comes to pop traffic, we are going to run there.

PIN Submit Campaigns

ZeroPark also has great tools such as rules and auto optimization, which will help you to get the best results possible out of your campaigns. They also have other traffic types such as Push and Domain redirects, but in this tutorial we are going to focus on pop traffic only.

How To Set Up Campaign Tracking

When it comes to running paid ads, campaign tracking is essential. Mainly because without it, you will not know where your sales are coming from, and also what is causing losses.

With a proper campaign tracking setup you will be able to see exactly which campaigns, ads, placements, devices etc. are working well and which ones are burning your money. Knowing all this data will help you to optimize your campaigns for profits.

There are several third party tracking solutions out there you can choose from, we have been working with Redtrack for many years now so I’m going to show you how to set it up properly. 

No matter what tracking software you use, the main steps you need to take are pretty much the same.

You need to add your affiliate network as the offer source inside Redtrack. Luckily they have pre built templates of the most popular affiliate networks, so all you need to do is to choose your network from their catalog, and click add.

Then you need to add your Redtrack postback URL on your affiliate network’s side. Go to tools, select conversion tracking and copy your Postback URL template.

Then replace the click ID and the sum with your network’s correct parameters and place your postback on the network side. If you are not sure how to do that, ask your affiliate manager, they will help you set it up.

The next step is adding the offer you want to promote. Go to offers, click add new, type in the offer name, select the offers source and add your unique affiliate link.

We are going to run our campaigns on ZeroPark, so in the next step we need to add it as our traffic source. Go to traffic channels, click add new from template, find ZeroPark and click add.

That’s it, after that you can create your tracking campaign. Go to campaign, click add new, name your campaign, select ZeroPark as source, and select your offer and pre-lander if you are using prelanders, if not, select offer only.

When done, click save and copy your tracking link from the tracking links and parameters section.

This is going to be your final URL on ZeroPark.

How To Set Up and Launch Your Campaign On ZeroPark

Once your tracking setup is done, the next step is launching your first campaign. To get started, head over to ZeroPark, create an account if you haven’t yet, and click on the new campaign button.

First you need to select the ad format which is Pop in our case, and you need to enter a name for your campaign.

Then copy your Redtrack campaign link from the tracking links and parameters section, and add paste it into the destination URL box in ZeroPark.

The next step is targeting. First you need to select your GEO, then traffic and device filters.

If you want to test multiple GEOs, always separate them into new campaigns, and do the same thing if you want to test both Mobile and Desktop devices, don’t mix them in one campaign.

It’s kind of obvious that we want to target mobile traffic when it comes to PIN submit offers, however, desktop traffic can sometimes surprise you, so if you can, test both and see how it goes.

For my first campaign, I like to go as broad as possible with targeting, and optimize later once I have enough data. So I always start with a RON (broad campaign)

You should only choose the other options if you already have your best working Targets or Placements.

The next step is bidding and budgets. Choose a bid that you are willing to pay per view, I recommend starting with the recommended bid by ZeroPark, then choose your daily budget, and you can also set a spending limit for sources and targets if you want.

The final step is tracking. Select your tracking solution and ZeroPark will generate a Postback URL for you. You need to copy that URL and place it in your RedTrack campaign’s S2S Postback section.

By doing this, Redtrack will send the conversion data to ZeroPark so you will see conversion data in Zeropark as well. This step is crucial if you want to use auto optimization tools in Zeropark.

After that you can submit your campaign and that’s it.

How To Optimize & Scale Profitable Campaigns

Optimizing basically means tweaking your campaign by following data, to make it profitable. So when your campaign goes live, leave it at least 1 day without touching it to gather some data. You don’t want to optimize too soon only if you have statically significant data.

Once your campaign gathers enough data, go to Redtrack campaign reports, and start analyzing the placements (targets).

You need to find and stop all placements that are spending too much without bringing results. A general rule of thumb is stopping placements after they spend more than the offer payout and not bringing conversions.

The auto optimization in Zeropark can help you a lot with optimizing your campaigns, especially the placements. You can easily set up auto optimization and let Zeropark optimize automatically according to the rules you set.

To set up a rule, go to your campaign settings, optimize rules and click new rule.

Then you can set it up to pause targets that have more than $5 spend (or whatever your offer payout is) and the conversion is lower than 1.

This is just a simple example: you can set all kinds of optimization rules and you can use up to 6 rules per campaign.

As you can see it’s also possible to adjust the bids on placements automatically, for example if you get a lot of conversions but the placements are not profitable you can try to decrease the bids on them.

Of course you can do all this manually as well, but I think the auto optimization feature in Zeropark is awesome and it can save a lot of time.

I also recommend testing custom pre-landers vs direct linking to the offer page. When it comes to pin submit offers, many times direct linking works great because the offer pages are good and straight to the point. 

However, you cannot know for sure which one gives you better ROI until you test it. Also don’t forget about device types and device models. See what performs better, mobile or desktop? Android or iphone?

 When you have enough data you should be able to see and optimize your campaign according to that data. While you optimize, create a list of your best performing placements, and launch new campaigns targeting those placements only to scale the profits.

To scale further, test new geos regularly, and I also recommend testing Domain redirect and push traffic, with the same offer, geos, landers etc, because if it’s profitable on pop, it will probably work on push and redirect traffic as well.

Good luck and happy testing!

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