Adding offers one by one is a pain in the ass; it takes so much time, you have to click bank, and forth, back and forth. And god forbid, if your mind wonders like mine likes to do in the process; well then things will get messed up. (Trust me, been there done that)
When you are scaling a campaign, it’s important to be efficient. For example, when we find a campaign that it works in the USA; we port it to every single geo the offer accepts traffic in using the same angles and lander translations. This is a HUGE moat, because it allows us to explode our traffic and profits literary overnight.
In the past, we’d login to our CPA network, and one by one get the URLs. Thankfully, RedTrack makes it easy to add them in bulk so these days, we ping our AM, and ask them to send us the stuff in the format Offer Name | Offer Link | Payout | Geo.
A Quick Guide to Bulk Importing Offers on RedTrack Affiliate Tracking Platform
We login to RedTrack, and download the offer upload template. You can grab it here

Next, we cut n paste each column of offers into the template. Make sure that everything looks good. And then we save it. Here’s the preview of the upload template filled out:

Then after the file is looking good, we hop back into RedTrack and upload the template back, and in a few minutes all of the offers are going to be in the system ready to roll.

This productivity tip saves a LOT of time, be sure to use it when scaling or testing multiple offers. Time is money! 🙂