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In this guide, I am going to expose one of the most profitable verticals on PUSH – DATING.
This is not MLM, it’s not guru bullshit. Skeptical? Don’t believe that dating makes money on push? Well, if you spy and sort by top ads you will see mostly dating ads running for ages, and common sense confirms – if there are lots of ads, they must be making money else why the hell would they buy so much traffic? RIGHT?!
This guide is 100% FREE, CoffeeZilla would be shocked there’s someone that’s been around for YEARS actually teaching stuff that really does make money!! If you haven’t yet seen this fake guru crusader on YT you should check him out, Stephen is a really funny guy that gets quite worked up on these fake gurus.
Anyway, you are going to need tools to make this shit work. A tracker – Get RedTrack, A WebHost to Host Your Landing Pages, I recommend you use it-s free, Domains (use Namecheap), and of course TRAFFIC – ZEROPARK is the name of the game for Push.
Here we go, let’s get started!!
Step #1 – Picking Offers
One of the most important things when picking offers is to pick offers that are PROVEN TO WORK ALREADY on the traffic source type.
If you pick new, untested offers, it’s very likely you are going to fail and lose all your testing budget without ANY (or very little) conversions. Trust me, I’ve blown thousands testing offers I thought would KILL, only to lose it all. YES, I still do these naive mistakes despite being in this industry for so damn long I even shock myself, but emotion takes over sometimes and I’m like fuck I love this offer so much IT HAS TO WORK, then data says otherwise and a few k down later, I realize it’s best to just test proven offers.
So to pick offers, hit up your AM at a dating network like TopOffers, and ask them to send over the best performing offers for PUSH and the last 7 days EPC report, so you can take a look at the best ones.
Then I’d pick a mix of geos.
One Tier 1 (like US,CA,UK,AU)
One Tier 2 (an asian country)
One Tier 3 (an african country)
And then, when I have which offers I want to run/what geos.. id begin my spying to see how others are running in that particular geo using AdPlexity Push.
IMPORTANT NOTE: You can’t run white people ads in AFRICA, when everyone’s black. You can’t run pics of hot MILFs from America in an ASIAN country when ASIAN guys are attracted to ASIAN chicks en masse. You always have to cater your ads to the local market, ie in saudi arabia, the women all wear the muslim clothes so u need to run ads that match the marketing style there. Don’t know what’s working in each contry? That’s why we spy with AdPlexity PUSH!
Step #2 – Spying to See What Competitors Are Using To Promote Dating Offers with AdPlexity PUSH
In order to be able to see what the competitors are running and what’s working and what not, we need to use spytools.
For PUSH the best choice is definitely Adplexity Push!
So we are going to fire up Adplexity Push and spy on Dating Offers.

We’re gonna start with setting the date filter to Last 30 Days:

The second thing we should set is to sort ads based on received most traffic, and we can set that in the top right corner:

After that we can go through and check all the dating ads we see.
Dating is very popular so we can find a bunch of dating ads right away just by setting up the date filter and ’’Received most traffic’’ :

Then you can check what GEOs, offers and traffic sources are your competitors running to give you an idea what might working, and also you can see device types and you can check their landing pages:

Then you can also spy on specific countries by going to the Country Filter in the left sidebar and type in the Country you like. Let’s try Spain for example:

Then you can find and go through the dating ads you find, and check the creatives, ad angles, landing pages, offers and all the things like that:

Step #3 – Setting up RedTrack, adding the offers, pre-landers, campaign configuration.
In order to be able to track your data probarly you will need a tracking software.
We are going to use RedTrack since it is one of the best tracking softwares out there.

After you have signed up, or logged in to Redtrack there are you will need to add your landing pages, offers, networks and traffic sources to Redtrack.
Click on Landers on the top menu in Redtrack:

Then click on the +New button

Name you lander and put in the URL of your landing page. (you can even add tags if you want for organizing purposes)

Next go to ’’Networks’’ in the top menu, and click on the +New button:

This is where you are going to add the CPA network that you choose:

Redtrack already has a bunch of templates of CPA networks so you just basically need to click on the green Add button to add a network, but if you can’t find the network you want here, you can just click on Create Custom and add you network there.
After that go to Offers in the top menu and click on the +New button:

This is where you gonna add the offers you promote.
Type in the name of the offer, select the network you added, you can set the payout, and add your Offers LINK in the URL box.

IMPORTANT: Always ask your rep at your CPA network which subID to use to send the CLICKID on!
In our case it’s data2={clickid} so we need to add it to our offer link like this &data2={clickid}
Next we need to add the Traffic Source.
Go to Traffic Sources in the top menu and click on the +New button:

Just like at the Networks tab, Redtrack also has included a bunch of traffic source templates and since we are running ads on Zeropark all we need to do is to click on the green Add button, and that’s pretty much it.
The next step is to create a campaign in Redtrack, so we click on Campaigns in the tom menu and click on the + New button:

Then we need to name the campaign, select the Traffic source, and Tracking domain (if you use the default one you can skip that step) and then select the Landing page and the Offer, then click save:

Basically that’s it, now we have our tracking campaign set up and ready to go.
The next step is to find some images and edit them in photoshop.
Step #4 – Preparing the images ready in Photoshop for the ZeroPark PUSH Specs
You can do this in many was, for example you can use Adplexity Push like I showed you before and spy for images like this one for example:

You can check all the images you can find to get inspired and create your own creatives, and you can also just right-click on the image and click on ’’search Google for image’’ to find similar related images:

I suggest to find at least 5 images / campaign to be able to test the creatives and stop the bad performing ones later.
After you have found your images fire up Photoshop or any similar software and make you image size 192×192 /JPG or PNG and since that’s the default PUSH image spec on Zeropark

So, now I’m going to Photoshop and create a new 192×192 pixel template:

Then I just copy my image, and paste it in photoshop:

And then with CTRL+T I adjust the size to fit in my 192×192 pixel box:

Then I save the image as a JPG file and make sure that the image size is not bigger then 200KB because that’s the size limit on Zeropark push:

And then I just repeat these step until we have 5 to 10 creatives for every GEO we run.
After we have collected everything we need, the next step is to create new campaigns in Zeropark.
Step #5 – Setting up the campaigns inside ZeroPark with custom whitelists
Now it’s time to set up our first campaign on Zeropark with custom whitelists with specific targets we want to target.
NOTE: If you don’t have a whitelist yet, you have two options.
OPTION A – You run a RON campaign, and hand pick the best converting targets/sources for your campaign.
OPTION B – Talk to your rep at ZP, tell them what vertical you are running and ask for a whitelist.
Go to Zeropark and from your dashboard click on New Campaign and select Push :

In the next step, we need to select Target since we have a whitelist of the top Targets and we want to run our campaigns only on those specific sources:

Then you need to name your campaign and select the Country you want to target. Always create separate campaigns for each country.

Next you need to select language targeting, bid and budgets, and the device types you want to target.
If you want to run both on mobile and desktop always create separate campaigns for those.

The next step is to add your creatives and angles.

Next copy the Offer URL from Redtrack and paste it in the Destination URL box, choose your campaign vertical and select Yes if you are using pre-landers:

Always make sure that your link contains the {cid} token, but luckily Zeropark will warn you if you don’t.
Then select your campaign vertical, and select Yes if you are using prelanders:

After that we need to add our list of targets to the campaign, so click on Add targets and you can input them manually or select from the list.
Copy the targets and paste them in the box then click Add targets:

And basically that’s how you set up a campaign in ZeroPark with custom whitelists.
After your campaign is launched and approved check your tracker and make sure that everything works, check the dynamic variables in Redtrack to ensure that you get the data from the traffic source.
To do this, go to your Redtrack campaign and click on the Report icon:

Then click on the Subs and make sure that you receive the data from Zeropark through the dynamic variables.
For example if everything is good you sould see the numbers of your creatives like this:

This is really important because we need to know which creative performs good or bad, in order to be able to optimize later.
Optimizing your campaigns
When we start optimizing the first thing what we are going to do is to check how our creatives perform.

In the first step we are looking for some significantly bad performing creatives we need to stop. And as you can see in the example above is that creative #1 and #6 are significantly bad so we are going to get rid of those.
The other creatives are doing okay, creative #4 and #8 are also in minus but that’s not a big deal, we don’t have enough data there just yet so we gonna keep those run.
After we stopped the bad performing creatives what we want to do is to find and upload new creatives verry similar to our good ones.
Then you need to check your data regulary and repeat these steps every time when you see something significantly good or bad, in order to make your campaign profitable.
If you are running more then one landing page, you should also check which one performs better.
Like in this example we ran 2 landing pages:

As you can see one of them performs better then the other so we are going to keep the better lander only.
We can easily do this by editing our Redtrack campaign and removing the lander by clicking on the X button, just like this:

Or we can put the Weight to 0, whatever you prefer.
Another thing you need to check and optimize are the Targets.
So go to your Redtrack campaign reports, and select the Target ID Sub:

Check your data then go to Zeropark and stop the the targets that are not performing well.
After you see some good results it’s important to scale further.
Continue optimizing your creatives by stopping the poor ones and add new ones to ensure the campaign won’t burn out fast.
TIP: For the creative images that do work, find SIMILAR looking images… try playing with the background color around the face to make it pop, ie solid yellow background instead of pretty blue sky. You can crop out the person and lay em over some nice background that gives it a good contrast so the person pops. In dating, big boobs pics work super good in T1 & T2 countries, so test blonde, brunette, red hat, green shirt, white shirt, black shirt, red shirt. Shirt with mesh, shirt with low cleavage.. be creative!!!
Scale by raising the budget on successful campaigns, and try different traffic sources with the same ads/landers in order to scale more.
So the key to successful campaigns is to TEST as much as you can, then optimize regularly and eliminate the crap that doesn’t work and continuously add new creatives that look like the winners.
1 thought on “The Ultimate Guide to Running Dating Offers on Zeropark PUSH”
Great overview! Myself, I am the master of -50% ROI 😉 Although slowly seeing progress towards break-even. Hopefully with your advice I can reach positive numbers 🙂