I get this question a lot, and it goes something like this “I am new to affiliate marketing, I don’t know how to code, I don’t know photoshop, I just want to make money now – so who can make my landing pages? Freelancers???”
My answer is “Stay the F*** away from FREELANCERS!!!” and here’s why! Freelancers just just that “FREE” lancers. Meaning most aren’t committed to be there 24/7 when you need a lander done, they are working as freelancers so they can have free time, and when they feel like it do some work to have some money to continue living FREE.
You don’t want a freelancer when you are running a serious operation; because things change on a dime in the internet marketing industry; you might need 10 landers in 1 day, or you might need 100 banner variations – you never know. Working with freelancers comes with one of many problems – one they usually want a lot of money for ONE task – because they are free, and they want the most for the littlest time possible, or they are artists who consider themselves to valuable they just want to charge a lot.
Or they make a landing page or two for you, you seem happy only to experience them disappearing because their dog died or ate their flower or fell out the balcony, or they had to go to a wedding this weekend blah blah blah.
Bottom line, freelancers aren’t professional (ok there’s maybe 1 out of 100 that is) and you just should NOT build your business on someone that wants to be FREE. You need reliable staff, that is there when you need them and can act right when you need them to, to create landers for you, make variations, design new banner ads, whatever.
Years ago, this was a real problem, it was a problem for me, and it was a problem for my super affiliate friends. Then I created a company comprised of staff working around the clock to solve this freelancer freedom issue once and for all. I named my company Banners & Landers – because DUH, they do banners and landing pages!! This company is always around, you can rely on them, and they won’t vanish because of ____fill in excuse here____. Deadlines are met, and exceeded – and most clients come back over and over again.
SO if you need some work done, landers are $40, banners are $10 animated or not – plus they offer a wealth of additional services you will best find out if you talk to my Customer Service guy via skype at bannerslanders
or just email him via the website at www.bannerslanders.com
20 thoughts on “Why Working With Freelancers from UpWork/Odesk is a HORRIBLE Idea!”
I do not appreciate how you state who we are on Upwork. I am a dedicated contractor .
I dont remember writing about a “Mel” and stating who you are.
Seeing as how he’s a contractor and this article foolishly attacks those people. Yes you are putting Mel into question. If this article maybe articulated a reasonable alternative. Or even highlighted pros and cons. No you directly attacked a group of hard working people labeling them as lazy for having the entrepreneurial spirit. To top it all off you can even make a decent argument about why you said what you said. Instead you hide behind these childish comments that have NO weight.
It doesn’t attack ‘foolishly’, I had the experience I speak off 80% of the time on upwork. That’s why I created a company that does everything opposite of these bad experiences (freelancers over charging, make things sound more complicated than they, coming up with excuses why project isn’t done or can’t be done, or simply vanishing)
It is really great (irony just if you don’t notice) how you talk about percentage without numbers bucking up your results…. Just a wizard as you described yourself….
The only irony here is You, nothing more. You come to my “house” on the internet to “attack” me for speaking my mind. Yes, this is my blog, yes I can write whatever the hell I wish here – it makes you upset? So what. Run along.
I spent 6 figures on upwork to know what’s good and whats bad there. Been a member since 2010 and have hired over 916 people.
Upwork and freelance sites are good for non-time sensitive tasks, but what I wrote in my post is true. When you run millions of dollars in ad spend, you cannot rely on freelancers because of the above mentioned reasons. That is why I created a reliable team that also works with other affiliate marketers, because they too need reliable, professional – and not idiots like you who are going to go on a tirade and waste their time, vs get the work done in a timely manner.
Your house? This is internet and you have the comments activated, deal with it, I can teach you how to use internet if you want, also if you wrote a shitty post, be ready for crítics and swallow it… I know you can ;)! The one attacking Freelancers is you, I’m not attacking you, I’m just by being critic about the things you said…. You are the one attacking me with insults… So professional manners of you really have to make people think about hiring your services :S….
Nicolas, stop talking about professionalism, you throw around assumptions based on your disbelief that I do know what I am talking about, and can confirm it all with facts you so desire.
This post is a highlight of the flaws of freelancing which is very sad and doesn’t line up with the client requirements in an affiliate space where you need things fast and now, and don’t have days and weeks to wait because things change on a dime overnight.
A whole lot of newbies are using the blog of well know affiliate marketeers like iAmattilla ,Charles Ngo and many other successful marketeers to find a certain direction along the way.And at some point they will be able to find the right sources for their needs.By these blogs they have a guideline about cost and quality and still can experiment and gather experience on their own.
So let them make up their own minds and don’t battle around on the comments section,that’s just a waste of time and energy.
You are totally right Leonardus 🙂 But, Nicolas is so entertaining 🙂
Hopefully anyone reading this will realize how absolutely obserd this generalization is. Upwork offers many tools for selecting the right freelancer. Your bad experience hardly accounts for the thousand of talented individuals who believe in working for themselves just like the people in the site hiring to build their own business. Clearly a writer’s got to get paid somehow. Even if it’s low rate outrageous lies.
Hopefully anyone reading this will realize how absolutely obserd this generalization is. Upwork offers many tools for selecting the right freelancer. Your bad experience hardly accounts for the thousand of talented individuals who believe in working for themselves. Just like the people in the site hiring to build their own business. Clearly a writer’s got to get paid somehow. Even if it’s low rate outrageous lies.
Its not lies its the truth.
You are lying!
You are advertising your company by blaming freelancers…. Just do your damn job!
Exactly. This is a method in marketing where you outline the weaknesses of a competing service and turn them in your favor.
Therefore I am doing my job very well thanks 🙂
Your welcome, but you are NOT doing your job, your job is getting more clients by being good in what you do, and you are not talking about weakness of a competing service, you are talking about the job of Freelancers in a platform and you are telling 1 of 100 is good in what they do, based on what????? Oh sure you already hired so more than 100 Freelancers on Upwork for making the statistics!!!!! I know!!! You are guessing or you used a spell, right??? Since you define yourself as “Affiliate Marketing Wizard”, I would love to use Crucio on you….
This was one of the weirdest posts I have read in some time. Do not trust freelancers, but trust freelancers who work for me xD
In house employees with set work hours, and supervised, no freelancers. Read his post better next time!
I have had (almost) only good experiences with Upwork for a variety of projects including several that I really wanted to hire local for me ended up going with them because of time constraints.