
How To Run Leadbit Weight Loss Offers on Facebook

In this guide I’m going to show you step by step, how to launch and run successful weight loss campaigns on Facebook promoting offers from Leadbit.

Leadbit is one of the best CPA networks especially when you are looking for Nutra offers. They are working with the best product manufacturers, so they offer you the highest payout offers with good caps to scale.

So in this guide I’ll teach you how to run these offers successfully on Facebook.

Here we go!


Choosing The Best Offers For Your Traffic

To get the best offers for your traffic type, contact your affiliate manager at Leadbit, tell them where and how you are going to promote their offers, and they will give you the best converting offers for your traffic.

We are going to run Nutra on Facebook, so my affiliate manager suggested a weight loss offer called Reduslim. The payout on this offer is $25 per conversion and this offer converts best in Italy right now, so we are going to run it in Italy.


Next we need to choose one of the landing/offer pages we want to use. I’m going to choose the one with the highest EPC.


The offer page looks like this:


Once we have that let’s go and do a quick spy session to see how competitors are running this offer. What ads and pre landers they are using etc.

Spying On Competitors

There are many good Facebook spy tools out there that you can use to see what are your competitors best performing ads. In this guide we are going to use Viso.li

Using spy tools will make your job easier and faster, however you can also spy manually using the Facebook Ad Library.

I’m using Visto and to get started I search for the keyword Reduslim on landing pages, and select Italy as target country.


Here are some AD examples I found:

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The best performing pre-lander according to Visto looks like this:

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Based on what we learned from spying, we are going to create unique but very similar looking creatives for our campaign.

Once we have all that it’s time to setup tracking

Tracking Setup With Redtrack

Since the IOS 14.5 upgrade marketers are faced with a big tracking problem of stats and metrics are no longer appear in their Facebook Ads Manager as they did before.

Luckily Redtrack has a solution for this nightmare, that lets you track everything correctly via first-party cookies, instead of using third-party cookies, to get back all your reportings in Facebook Ads.

So that’s why I always use Redtrack as my campaign tracker.

Now to set up a tracking campaign, and track everything correctly like before the IOS 14 update, there are some extra steps you need to take.

STEP #1 – You need to configure your postback between Redtrack and Leadbit. 

Go to Tools in Redtrack, select Conversion tracking 


Then copy your S2S Postback URL and add it to the Postback section of your Leadbit account.


STEP #2 – Integrate Facebook via API

Once you have added Facebook as your Traffic Source, scroll down until you see Facebook API Integration, and click on the Connect Facebook button and follow the instructions to verify your account.

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After that you need to add your Facebook pixel ID and your Conversion API key.

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To generate the Conversion API key, log into your Facebook account, go to Pixel settings, select settings, scroll down until you find Conversion API, and click Create access Token.

STEP #3 – Verify your domain with Facebook

Next you must verify your domain that you are going to use on Facebook, and then add it to Redtrack.

To verify your domain, go to your Business Manager account and choose Domains from the Brand Safety menu, and follow the instructions.

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Once you have successfully verified your domain, head back to Redtrack, go to offers, edit your offer and enter your domain in the Default Event URL box.

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STEP #4 – Creating No-Redirect Campaign in Redtrack

Next you need to create a no-redirect campaign. You can do this the same way as you would create a standard redirect campaign, but after you click save, scroll down to Tracking options, and switch from redirect to no-redirect. 

Then it will generate your no-redirect script that you need to copy and add it to your landing page.

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You can use any code editor like Sublime Text for example, to edit the source code of your landing page and add your no-redirect script into the <head> section of your landing page.

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Now use your LANDING PAGE URL as your final URL on Facebook, instead of the Redtrack Click URL.

STEP #5 – Warm Up Your Facebook Pixel

You’ll need to warm up your Facebook Pixel since it won’t accept your event until it’s determined that it’s a legitimate event that can be utilized for Facebook optimization.

 As a result, you’ll require some actual clicks. Create a Facebook campaign on a small budget; all you need is 10-20 real clicks

STEP #6 – Create Fake Conversions

Once you warmed up your pixel go to Redtrack, select Logs then Clicks to find the Click IDs from whom you’ve gotten clicks.

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From the list copy the click id and paste it into your postback URL template. Navigate to Tools > Conversion Tracking > S2S Conversion Tracking.

Copy the postback URL and add the click id to it. It will look something like this: 


Paste that link to your browser and press enter.


You’ve successfully generated a fake conversion if you see the message above.

Repeat this step to generate 10-15 conversions equally throughout the day to warm up your pixel properly.

Launching Your Campaign On Facebook

Next step is to create and launch your campaign on Facebook Ads.

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My demographics for start looks like this:

Geo: Italy

Gender: Women only

Age: 25-60


I’m also going to separate different devices into different adsets.


For your ads, use angles that are catchy, and borderline clickbait but also good quality for your audience.


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For your ad images, create images that are very similar looking to those best performing ones you see in spytools (or ad library)

Tips to Scale for Bigger Profits on Facebook

-Create Custom Audiences

You should create Custom audiences and once they populate, you can generate Lookalike audiences from that.

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-Create Custom Events

Creating custom events is another great way to scale by creating lookalike audiences later.

Ideas for custom events:

  • Stayed in Page for Minimum 5 Seconds
  • Clicked on Any Link on Page
  • Converted to a lead

Later when you want to scale, generate 1% Lookalike audiences


and launch new adsets targeting those lookalikes only.

-Try Different Ad Formats

You can also scale through different ad formats on Facebook. Many marketers completely forget that they have tons of other formats, not just Image and Video, or they are just too lazy to go a step further.

That’s why you should take the effort to try and test every ad format you can on Facebook and you will make more money at the end!

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