In this guide I’m going to show you how to prepare, launch and run profitable Ezoic campaigns like Horoscope, Fortune telling and that kind of stuff on Zeropark Push.
Why would you want to run these weird verticals? Well because it’s something almost completely left field, but on the other hand this is quite a huge industry.
So whether you think psychics are con artists or not, there’s a lot of money to be made in this niche.
Also there are plenty of affiliate offers to choose from, the easiest way to find these kinds of offers is by going to

But before you pick your offer I always recommend doing a spy session to see how other affiliates are running these offers, what kind of ad angles, landing pages and offers they are promoting.
Here we go!
Spying On Competitors
My favorite spy tool is Adplexity. They have tools for all kinds of traffic types, Native, Push, Pop, etc. In this case we want to run campaigns on Zeropark Push, so what we need is Adplexity Push.

To get started, log in to your account set the date filter to last 30 days to see fresh results only

Then sort the results by receiving the most traffic.

Now Adplexity will show you ads that received the most traffic in the last 30 days, and the reason we want to do this is because campaigns with so much traffic must be profitable, otherwise they would not keep running them.
Once you set these filters you need to search for keywords that are relevant to your nich. Like ’’Psychic’’ for example.

Then Adplexity will show you all the ads that are promoting these kinds of offers.

Then what you need to do is click through the ads, to see the landing pages, offers, and make notes of the ad text and images so you can create your own variants that are similar to the top ones.
Here are some examples I found:


If you want you can easily download these landing pages in Adplexity by going to the Landing Page Details section and clicking on the Download This Landing Page button.

When you have your landing pages ready, you need to set up campaign tracking.
Campaign Tracking Setup with Redtrack
This is one of the most important steps, you need to use proper tracking software to track your campaigns and data. If you skip this step you will not be able to receive important stats about your campaigns and without that data, you won’t be able to optimise them for profits.
My favorite ad tracking software is Redtrack.

To set up campaign tracking with Redtrack is pretty simple, and it can be done in a few easy steps.
First things first, you need to add the landing pages you are going to use. So go to landers and click on +New

Then you need to type in the name and the URL of your landing page

That’s it.
First you need to select Offer Sources from the top navigation bar and then lick on +New

Then find your network from the list (Redtrack has a bunch of pre-built affiliate network templates) and click on the Add button.

If you can’t find the network you are working with, don’t panic, just click on the Create Custom button and add it manually.

Go to offers and click on +New

Type in the offer’s name, select the Offer source (Affiliate Network) and insert your Offer URL. You need to add the correct ClickID parameter to your offer link, if you are not sure what is the affiliate network’s correct clickID parameter is, ask your rep, they will help you.

Next we need to add the traffic network where we are going to run campaigns. In this case it’s going to be Zeropark.
Go to Traffic Sources, click on +New

Then scroll down until you see zeropark, and click on the green Add button, that’s it.

Finally you need to create your tracking campaign in Redtrack. Click on campaigns and +New

Then you need to name your campaign, and select the traffic source (Zeropark)

Next you need to create your funnel by selecting your landing page(s) and offer(s)

Then you need to save your campaign and that’s pretty much it. Next copy your campaign link from the campaigns section and that’s going to be the final URL you promote on Zeropark.

Creating Your First Campaign On Zeropark

To get started log in to your Zeropark account and click on New Campaign in the top menu

Then select Push as your Traffic Type

Next you need to select your targeting options. You can choose from:
RON – Run On Network which means you will buy all the available traffic from the chosen country you are targeting.
Target – Use this when you already have your best performing targets (placements)
Source – Use this when you already have your best performing sources.
We are going to start with RON to be able to buy all the available traffic, and later once we have our winning placements, we are going to launch a new Target campaign targeting the winning placements only.

Next we need to type in a name for our campaign, and select the target courty.

Then we need to set the Bid, I recommend starting out with the suggested bid by the system, then the daily and campaign budgets, and we are targeting Desktop devices only in this campaign.

It’s important to always separate Desktop and Mobile campaigns, because the bids are not the same, and you don’t want to end up overpaying. So now I create a Desktop only campaign, then I come back and create a new one targeting Mobile devices only.
Next you need to upload your Creatives. Click on browse and upload your ad images and then type in your ad text in the title and description boxes.

Then you need to add your Redtrack campaign link as your destination URL. Make sure your link contains the {cid} clickID token.

Finally we need to set up conversion tracking. Select Redtrack then copy the Postback

then URLand paste it into your Redtrack campaign.

Now you created your first campaign, all you have to do now is wait for the approval team to approve your campaign.
Monitoring Stats in Redtrack
As soon as your campaign starts getting traffic go to Redtrack campaign reports.

After that select Subs from the top menu and go through the subs, make sure that the data is coming through the parameters.
Target ID, Source ID, Creative ID, Campaign ID, these are the most important parameters you need for optimising.

If your setup is good, you need to see data like this:

Campaign Optimisation
The first couple of days after the campaign launch you might not see any profits from your campaigns, which is totally normal.
The reason why we run RON campaigns is to find the most profitable placements and optimise our campaigns based on the data we buy.
This way we can filter out all the bad performing placements and other non profitable parts of our campaigns and then we can scale by targeting only the profitable ones.
So first after 24/48 hours, you should go to campaign reports in Redtrack and check data on Target IDs and Source IDs. Target IDs are placements basically, sources are sources.

What you need to do here is to cut all the bad performing placements that are spending your money without bringing any results.
There is a general rule which says, cut all placements that spend more than the offer payout without getting any conversions.
So for example if you get $2.50 for a lead, you can stop placements that spend more than that and got no leads.If your payout is higher like $100 for example, you probably don’t want to spend $100 on a single placement, because there are going to be hundreds of placements.
Then you need to focus on other stats, like CTR% Landing Page CTR%, clicks and cost. If you see that some placements spend more than the others and the CTR is low, you need to stop those as well.
To cut bad placements, go to Zeropark, click on your campaign, select Targets and click on the pause button.

You need to check how these placements perform every day. Consistency is important here, because you are going to receive traffic from hundreds of placements and you need to filter the bad ones out as soon as possible.
Next you need to check your ads performance too.
To do this go to reports and select Creatives from the Subs menu.

Check the stats and if you find any creative that is performing significantly worse than the others, cut it and replace it with a new one.
For example if one of your creatives got a lowers CTR, or got much less leads then the others, replace it with a new one that is very similar to your top creative(s)
Usually to get started with optimising your creatives you need to wait a couple of days to receive enough data. You don’t want to do this in the first 1-3 days.
Then a couple of days later when you have more data, you can start checking data on Devices, OS versions, Browsers etc.

In my case for example, mobile campaigns were doing much better, more specifically, Android 10 and 11 with Chrome browser was the best. It might be different for your campaigns, that’s why you need to make sure to follow these optimization steps regularly until you get a clean picture of whyt is your winning combination is.
Scaling Your Winning Campaigns
When you start seeing profits, you need to start scaling as soon as possible, to scale those profits.
You can start with simply increasing the daily budget on your winning campaign and see how it goes. Also you can try adjusting with the bids on your campaign. If you bid a bit higher you can reach new audiences, or try to decrease them a bit and see if your campaign remains profitable or not.
Then you should try to scale into other GEOs as well. What you need to do is to localize your creative materials, ads and landing pages, and by localization I mean translating them to local languages to match the country you are targeting, and launch new campaigns targeting those countries.
There’s another great way to scale that usually works well, which is launching your winning campaign with the same winning ads and landing pages on other Push traffic sources as well.
This can be done fast and easily since you already have all the campaign materials, so all you have to do is to setup and launch.