How to Tell If Your Lander Has Malicious Scripts Stealing Your Traffic

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Affiliate marketing is a dog eat dog world; it’s no secret affiliates push the envelope, hell its a fact. You might think that awesome lander converting super well is clean of malicious code that shaves 1-20% of your traffic without you knowing, but you could be dead wrong and losing money.

We’ve been checking LPs for click steal code since the dawn of the dinosaurs (jk)… no really part of our internal procedures includes checking LPs for malicious code; today I am going to share with you some of these methods.

If the LP you ripped contains jquery, replace the links with the official jquery min links and see if that breaks the LP, if it does; that means you caught something sneaky.

Edit the source code of the LP in your favorite editor (like notepad++) and search/find window.screen. — this is super common one that redirects based on window screen size.. clean it out by removing the window.screen from in between the <script></script> tags..

Another trick to look for is, the location variable. Again, search the source code and change it to your own from someone elses.

Look for href inside the source code; this could be hiding tracker links of other peoples and/or redirect chains.

The getURLParameter is also a sign that someone might be stealing traffic from your LP, could be a footprint of a famous tracker.

If the src= variable is linked to some 3rd party URL, then that could contain code to redirect the user onLoad.

These are just some of the tricks that you should watch out for; if you are not a coder; as this can be hella confusing be sure to talk to and ask about the malicious script removal they offer.

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