11 Landing Page Conversion Hacks You Can Do Right Now To Boost Profits

Easy to Implement, Effective, and Proven Landing Page Conversion Hacks.

If you want to know how to increase landing page conversion rates and create high converting landers. You are at the right place!

Have you ever had people tell you that You should optimize and improve your landing page? Most likely you have, but rarely do you get good tips that you can use. Most guides on improving landing page conversion rates are borderline useless. They include some philosophical BS that you can’t use in most cases. 

Making high converting landing pages doesn’t have to be that difficult though. That’s why we decided to give you tips on how to increase landing page conversion rates. These tips are always usable. You can use them right away to your landers and see your conversion rates and leads increase!


Tip #1. Don’t Only Sell, Try To Get Leads As Well

Many affiliates only focus on conversions. The reality of the business is that out of 100 visitors, you will be lucky to get 2-3 that converts. The rest will not be interested enough. But that doesn’t mean they are worthless!

Try getting their email through some form to retarget them later. 

Get their email and turn them into leads. They won’t buy what you have to offer currently, but they clicked on the ad so they have potential. Get them as leads and retarget them in the future. You might turn a big chunk of them into paying customers after all!

Tip #2. Add More Call to Action Statements (CTAs) 

landing page conversion hacks

For some reason, some LP’s have CTAs on the top and the bottom. And nowhere else! 

For the best landing page conversion rate, you should add CTAs after each section. This website landing page design tip should give drastic improvements in conversions. This simple tip can bring your pages from poor to high converting landing pages in no time!

Tip #3. Don’t Redirect Your Customers to Other Pages

Some affiliates make the mistake of adding buttons that link you to other pages. Sometimes it’s even worse. They link to other articles. This can be often seen in the form of CTAs that send you to a FAQ page or Contact page. Leave those in the navbar or within the page itself. 

An even worse thing some do is add things like “People also liked these articles…” and similar. These are awful. They will tank your leads and conversion rates a lot. Don’t redirect your audience to other pages. Make them stay and engage with your product or service. 

Tip #4. Engage Your Customers

You always need to engage and interact with your customers. To increase your landing page conversion rates you can add things like:

  • Pop-ups

These can come in the form of a timed “special discount”. 

  • Exit Pop-ups
landing page conversions

Before the user exits your page, give him one last chance to change his decision. This pop-up can have some small discount or offer something different. A well made exit-pop up can increase your conversion rate by over 40%! 

  • Interactive sliders
landing page sliders

This is a new and emerging trend but it is doing wonders. You can use these sliders to make people better understand your products and what they can do.
As an example, you are selling a skincare product. Ask the question, how youthful do you want to look? Make the answer a slider. The slider can go from a face that is wrinkled to a smooth and youthful one. These kinds of interactive sliders increase landing page conversions by up to 16%

  • Specific GEO targeting

As an advertiser, you know exactly which countries you are targeting. Use this info to make your LPs more relevant to your audience. 

  • Mention the GEO in the copy

This will make people think that your copy is more tailored to their specific situation.  

  • Make sure you sell in the local currency

If you are selling in Germany, don’t have prices listed in USD. This makes your site seem less trustworthy or perceived as more expensive than it should be. 

Tip #5. Ask Them Questions

landing page tips

People love to get personalized content. Or at least they feel it. 

A popular way of achieving this is to make a Questionnaire on your LP. This can have simple questions as:

  • Gender
  • Age
  • Interests
  • Job
  • Etc

The goal of these is to get them engaged and make them stay longer. The longer they stay on your page, the more likely they will convert. This simple website landing page design trick will help you a lot. 

Tip #6. Show Them Results After

Continuing from the previous tip. After they have answered the questions, give them part of the stats you would usually provide. Tell them they can have the rest of the info when they sign up with their mail or buy your product. 

You can use fear tactics and wait time to show some results. For example, you have a weight loss product. After they complete the questions tell them a tip or two and lock the rest until they interact. This simple method has shown increases in landing page conversion rates by up to 108%! 

Tip #7. Optimize Your Copy

Your copy is very important. The more engaging it is the more likely people will check out what you are selling. Use these simple tips to optimize it and increase landing page conversion rates. 

  • Make headlines match the content

We all sometimes like to clickbait with insane headlines. This in itself isn’t bad, but it’s bad if your content doesn’t match up. If you have a claim in your headline, make sure to cover it inside your copy. Don’t clickbait for views as it won’t get you anywhere. 

  • Keep them under 65 characters for better search results. 
  • Try using 6-word headlines
  • Use odd numbers
  • Include power words and adjectives
  • Keep it simple and clear

Content writers sometimes like to overdo things. Keep your copy informative, interesting, and not too long. This way you will hook your audience and they will gladly continue on reading. 

  • Evoke curiosity

The stories you write need to capture your prospect’s imagination. They need to be hooked from the headline to the ending CTA. Every section needs to flow into the next one. All working together to bring someone to press the CTA and convert. 

  • Write in a conversational tone

Use the words “You” and “I” as it makes your copy feel far more personal. 

  • Don’t try to sell too hard

If you push it too much you will hurt your sales. You should try and sell your products but don’t make everything revolve around it. It can lead to the audience disliking your approach a lot. 

  • Answer questions and objections 

Do you have a prospect that is spending more time on the page than normal? They are on the verge of buying but they still have some questions. If you want to increase your landing page conversion rates you need to address it. 

You can create popups where they can ask a question or get more info about specific things. The general questions should all be answered through the copy.  This can boost your conversions by up to 15%!

Tip #8. Use Trusted Badges

trust badges for landing pages

Trust badges are known to increase landing page conversion rates. [1]. People love shopping with stores that feel safe. One of the things that make them feel safe is trust badges. We trust other people and their judgment, and this works the same way [3].

A good thing to do is place them near your CTAs to keep them fresh in their memory. This improved conversions by 32%! Don’t overdo them as too much of them feel spammy. Make them clickable if possible and link them to their websites. 

Tip #9. Implement Chat Bots and Tools

Calling a business for information can be intimidating. That’s why your LP should have some sort of chat option. They make users much more likely to interact and ask things[1]. 

If you don’t have the staff, you can always implement a chatbot. Chatbots are a big part of websites and landing pages. They can help you with some questions and make your website feel much more welcoming.

Tip #10. Checkout Bumps


They are one of the things that work great for increasing landing page conversion rates. These small extra options can up your revenue by up to 15%! Bundling things together well will increase your landing page conversion rates. 

They need to be perceived as exclusive and short term. So that your prospects don’t have much time to think it over. 

They need to be perceived as valuable for them to work. They should have aggressive pricing and discounts. (for example 50% off or something even higher). They need to have the benefit explained. If you can’t convince someone to buy it in a few sentences it won’t work at all. 

Tip #11. Add Social Proof

Social proof is the cornerstone of a successful landing page. Great testimonials, reviews, and comments can increase your landing page conversion rates. [3]. Products that get recommended by others sell better. You need credibility and social proof is the best way to get it! [5] On some products, conversion rates improve by as much as 70% [4]

There are few landing page design companies out there that understand everything. Few recognize how important it is to optimize for conversions. The landing page design service by Banners&Landers offers pre-optimized landers with all these tips in mind. They make it very easy for businesses to have the upper hand on success. They provide them with landers that are optimized to win out of the gate. Their landing page design service has been a favorite among performance marketers for many years. Recently they started offering it for small businesses too.

[1] https://www.wordstream.com/blog/ws/2013/07/11/landing-page-conversion-rate-guide
[2] https://www.searchenginejournal.com/increase-landing-page-conversion-rate/274815/
[3] https://www.entrepreneur.com/article/282189
[4] https://vwo.com/blog/improve-landing-page-conversion-rates/

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