When To Cut a Placement – How To Optimize Your Paid Ads Campaign? Here’s a strategy To Follow

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Every seasoned affiliate will say that you need to run proven offers.

The next important thing, analyze your data and optimize campaign.

How do you find proven offers?

You talk to your rep, and get the EPC report for the last 7 or 14 days and pick based on the numbers there. Or you spy using AdPlexity and see what ads show up many times over and over again.

The numbers you’ll get from your rep aren’t going to be 100% correct. In many instances they may be less or more than the real CR / EPC that you will see on your own campaign; however they are good indicator of what’s working and what to try.

If you are running a traffic source like ZeroPark, which has a shit ton of targets and use a tool like the Optimizer to automate the optimization process.. you need to work backwards from the network CR / EPC to figure out how much you want to spend per target before killing it.

Optimize Campaign on Zeropark

-If the offer converts at 1% CR average on the network level, that means out of 100 people you send to the offer, 1 person will convert.

Before the offer page, there’s a landing page, a good baseline CTR to use for landing page clicks is 25%.

So, in order to send 100 people to the offer, you need to have 400 people coming to your landing page from that target..

If you are paying $0.01 (1 cent) a click, that means it will cost you $4 to properly test by sending 40 people to that targetID to get 1 conversion..

If the offer converts higher, then you need less people to test each targetID…

You can manually cut placements in Zeropark by hand, use their automation rules or use the Optimizer like my team does, that monitors many more data points to help us identify patterns to beat the competition.

Hope you enjoyed this advanced quick tip, for many more advanced topics become a member of iAmAffiliate, the #1 affiliate marketing forum for experienced marketers.


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2 thoughts on “When To Cut a Placement – How To Optimize Your Paid Ads Campaign? Here’s a strategy To Follow”

  1. Hello Attila,

    You wrote at the end “…… it will cost you $4 to properly test by sending 40 people to that targetID to get 1 conversion”. I guess you mean 100 people i.s.o. 40 people, right? Because the CR is 1%.

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