The top 7 tricks to skyrocket your CTR & CR on your landers!

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All right guys, there’s a lot of talk lately about landing pages, how to design them, what to put on them, how to make them convert, ya dee ya duh!

Well, here are some elements that in my experience can have a drastic positive impact on your landing page CTR & CR (and/or BOTH).

I’m a guy who is trying to keep things simple, rather than over complicate shit because to be frank, since discovering the benefits of traveling and not nerding it up introvert style on the computer 24/7 – I don’t want to waste time.

So, without further adue, here are the top 7 ways to skyrocket your CTR & CR for your landers.

#1 – Add a script that calls out the city on your landing pages and your state/geos

This works great, if you are making a lander and calling out your location you can do something like SPECIAL DEAL FOR PEOPLE WITHIN 5 MILES ( KILOMETERS ) FROM CITY, PROVINCE (STATE)

#2 – Implement a Today’s date script

Let’s say you are running a sweeps stakes offer, you can add a todays date javascript and write something like SPECIAL OFFER FOR DAY-OF-WEEK, DAY, MONTH, YEAR (ie Sunday, September 3rd, 2015)

#3 – Create urgency by using a countdown timer

This works a lot especially if you are giving them something that looks too great, lets say a free ipad. They have xx seconds before the offers is gone and shown to another person.

#4 – Match those colour schemes – utilize Trust by association!

This applies to traffic sources where you buy specific placements on a website. Let’s say you are running an adult dating campaign, and you buy a placement on xhamster. If you make your lander look and feel like xhamster, people are right away going to trust it more.

#5 – Testimonials with pictures

When I run sweeps, I always try and find pictures of people holding the prize I am giving away. These pictures can be of people holding the new iPhone outside apple store, most people are retarded and won’t second guess that OH that person is outside apple store! Their brain is looking for testimonials of people that won, so when they see person+iphone, CHECK, and they move on. They won’t really analyze the background 🙂

#6 – YouTube Videos with or without subtitles

Something that works incredible great for me in various vertical is using youtube videos other people made in my landers. People eat up videos, they fall for it and believe all that they see.

If you are lazy you can search and find some vids that are useful and test them out, or you can find videos, have some fiverr video geek chop em into pieces and edit it just the way you want.

I typically subtitle english videos with foreign subtitles, which have a really positive impact on my overall CR.

#7 – Exit Pops and Special Scroller Overlays

This is a big ROI booster for sure, when they are about to exit your lander, you can warn them with an exit pop to stay on the page, or offer them a special deal and redirect them to a new offer.

In addition, what I found to work great is to have an overlay, which will hover over the page and show them a special deal over your lander in form of a BIG DISCOUNT, or ACT NOW offer or something similar.
That’s it for now, wanted to post some quick tips for you today.

Do you want to learn more about landing pages? Check some of my posts.

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