List of 50 States in Text Format You Can Cut N Paste

Quick post into the dupster, here’s a list of the USA states in list format,  .txt format so you can just cut n paste it and get right onto making adwords campaigns for your Pay Per Call or other affiliate marketing campaigns.

I use this list to generate keywords for my pay per call campaigns in adwords.    Golden Tip:  If you are running PPC combining your main keywords with localized versions is going to get you a ton of cheap clicks and make you some good ROI šŸ˜‰

Direct Download – State Codes / Abbreviations / Shortened Names
? Click Here For CSV File Download
? Click Here For Microsoft Excel (xls) File Download

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Teespring vs Shopify – A comparison by an internet marketer

It’s no secret many Teespringers have switched to Shopify.    There’s huge buzz atm you don’t read about on StackThatMoney when it comes to the FREE You just pay shipping and handling method everyone seems to be milking on Shopify.       How it basically goes is you pick an item from aliexpress/ebay thats 1,2,3 dollars including Free shipping, and post it on Facebook and say HEY we’re giving away 500 pieces of this item for the next 7 days!!  Get yours just pay shipping!  And shipping is like 7-10 bucks.

It sounds pretty kick ass right? I mean who wouldn’t want FREE right?   Well not so fast,  I tried this method and can tell you that it’s not all gravy.    People that wan’t free stuff are usually super cheap; so if they see they have to pay shipping they are going to report your ad and/or leave you negative comments on the ad like SCAM! or even worse -profanity filter on-

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List of Top 290+ US Cities [Cut & Paste]

I do a lot of Pay Per Call on mobile lately and use the top 290+ cities in America. This list was taken from Wikipedia, but I cleaned it up, removed all the junk and giving you nothing but a sexy list you can cut n paste and use right away wherever needed.

Here is the list of cities, simply copy and paste!

New York
Los Angeles

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