Build Your Own Push Database and Make More Money with Partners.House – Here’s How

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Hey, so around two weeks ago I told you about, a push traffic source that’s great for scaling your campaigns. They have exclusive databases of their own, and also from lots of partners. How do they get these partners? What are these partners? Well they are affiliate marketers and owners of authority SEO sites that share their database, and get paid 80% of the money you pay for traffic on PUSH house. You can also make money from other affiliates using your database… it’s the art of brokering your push database… does that make sense? If not keep reading, because I explain how you can make extra cash without doing any more work with your existing setup.. is the place where you can register, and create your very own push database with ease that will bring you money right away. How? In Short, they will broker out your database to advertisers via their main traffic network and you will make money on every push message sent. It’s like creating your own push traffic source, without having to invest into staff, technology, servers and the whole shebang that goes on behind the scenes inside a complicated traffic source.


What is Partners.House anyway?

Partners.House is an affiliate program created by the team behind Push.House.

It was created for both webmasters that own authority sites in SEO and affiliate marketers that don’t own websites but buy tons of paid traffic. The best thing is that you will make money from your PUSH db through their platform as long as the user is subscribed.

One of the biggest benefits is you don’t have to worry about setting up complex tracking and traffic distribution algorithm so you can sell your push db traffic across the world. system does it automatically and it’s ultra simple to setup.

Partners.House pay by RevShare model, meaning that when the users that are brought by you click on any advertising you get 80% of the click price.

With that said, Partners.House is a great way to generate passive income from the push database that you can build for free from your paid ads campaigns or SEO authority sites in just a few simple steps.

>> Click here to create your account now!

I want to work with them, what do I have to do?

There are two ways for working with Partners.House, as a webmaster and as an affiliate marketer.

As a webmaster, you have to take a code from your dashboard at Partners.House and insert it in the source code of your site. This will enable push notifications for your site and you will be able to start collecting your own subscription database that will generate your passive income. 

As an affiliate, that buys paid traffic it’s also very simple. Partners.House provides a free domain and a collection of more than 30 landings that are fully adaptive. The language of the landing pages adapts to the language of the user’s GEO.

Overall, the landing pages are translated into more than 27 languages.  The landing page collection has a variety of topics and verticals that are designed for all traffic types, from adult to mainstream and everything in between.

You have the ability to choose as many landings as you want, when you choose more than one landing, split testing starts automatically, so you can see what landings perform better than others. 

With both approaches, the RevShare commision is the same, which is 80% of the price click that the advertisers pay. All the subscriptions stay under your account and continue generating income until they unsubscribe. No matter how you want to approach it, Partners.House is a great way to gain extra income with your existing strategy.

>> Don’t Leave Any Money on the Table, Add The Partners.House System To Your Existing Campaigns or Sites and Make Extra Money with 0 Work >>

How to start making money with Partners.House system in less than 30 minutes?

Registration first:

Arriving at the main page, you are welcomed by an army girl gone rogue that is ready to pour you some alcohol as a welcome tradition. It’s an adult traffic source, gotta be sexy. review

The process of registration is easy and straightforward, you should not encounter any issues with that. You only need to fill out a short form and you are in:

When you sign in, you will find yourself in the main page of the site, with your dashboard in the middle and some additional information below it. At your left, you can see a main menu that can take you to other pages of the website, such as:

  • Top countries: A complete chart of all the countries and their prices. There you can see an average price for a click from this country (you need it cause you will get 80% of the click price), an average price for 1k subscribers and so on.
  • News: Well, news here, it’s pretty self explanatory. XD
  • Streams: All your created streams (flows) will be stored here so you can access them easily.
  • Statistics:  Here you will find all the statistics you needed about your flows. You can sort your statistics by a full set of parameters, like Days, Countries, Platforms, Browsers, Landings, Sub1-4 and many more. 
  • My subscriptions: All the users that you have ever brought to Partners.House are registered after your account and you can always find them here.
  • Finance: Here, you can access all your payments.
  • Support: Have an issue or a question? Create a ticket and the support team will come back to you as soon as possible!
  • Ref. System: Just like the other projects from the team, Partners.House offers a referral system of 3% of commission paid to all the users that you bring to the platform.
  • FAQ: A page dedicated to answering all your questions, make sure to look for your question here before creating a ticket in “Support” page.
  • Rates RS & CPL: A chart of the GEOs and their RevShare prices.

To start earning, first you need to create a flow, to do so, go to “Streams” and press “Create”. From here, you have two ways to go, as an affiliate marketer or as a webmaster.

Let’s cover each approach individually.

For site owners:

If you own a site, no matter what is the category of your site, you can generate a quite good passive income from your existing audience without doing much. This is a great option for anyone who has a site with any sort of traffic to it.

If you feel it’s for you, choose “OWN SITE”. 

Here, you will have to give your site a title and insert the URL. After that, you can choose what hours of the day you want the push subscriptions to work. Note that the time shown on the site is UTC+3. 

The next step is to choose a payment type, for now, only RevShare model is available.

Choose the category of your site, it can be anything but Partners.House has only two categories, Adult and Mainstream, choose the one that is appropriate for your site. 

The last thing is to set up your postback, you can find a complete guide for that at Partners.House.

Before proceeding, remember to check if you want adult ads to be displayed for your users.

After hitting “Save”, you will be redirected to the “My Streams” page where you will see your newly created site. In order to enable push notifications on your site, you have to insert the code that is given to you by Partners.House to the source code of your site. To do so, click on “Get code”.

You are going to find this pop up screen, with two options, for sites with https certificate and for sites with http certificate. Thus, no matter what your site is, Partners.House made sure you will be able to monetize its traffic. Sites with https certificate though, get a couple of extra features. With https sites you can decide how long you want to delay the message before it appears to the users. We asked Parnters.House what would be the best practice for newbies for these features, they said that it’s best to set the delay to 2 seconds without darkening the background. They also said that more advanced users can set these parameters to whatever they think suits their sites better. 

No matter what certificate your site has, all you have to do is to either download a .zip archive with the code or directly copy it from the page and insert it in all the pages of your website between the <head> tags. The code will do everything else from here on, you can chill and watch your traffic turn into $$$.

For affiliate marketers:

If you do not own a website, then in order to work with Partners.House, in Create Stream page, select “Arbitration” which refers to “Traffic Arbitrage”, a business model in which you buy traffic at a lower cost to sell it and earn a commision from this operation. This option is best for affiliate marketers who want to profit from Partners.House. 

After clicking on it you will be taken to their collection of landing pages on a variety of topics such as file download, robot verification, video, adult, ect. You are free to select as many landings as you want, the spit test feature is prebuild in the system for you, so you will see what landing pages perform better with your traffic easily. 

Now, you can select the working hours of the ads for your traffic. Next, let’s move to the traffic back section. This is a great feature that gives you the opportunity to monetize your traffic even more after the push subscription message. After the user, either subscribe or decline the subscription, you can redirect them to any landing page you want, it can be an affiliate offer or any other link you want. For those who already work with affiliate offers this means they can use Partners.House as an additional means of income within their existing strategy. 

Partners.House allows you to insert two traffic-back links, one that the user will be redirected to if they subscribed and the other in case of refusal. 

The last step would be to decide the “complexity” of the subscription request. This means how many times the user will be asked to subscribe if they refuse. The team says it’s always best to set the complexity to “5”. This way the user will be asked five times before they can move on which results in a higher chance they subscribe. Also the team reminded us that enabling “Full screen mode” is always a good idea as it results in a better conversion rate.

If you want to enable the traffic-back monetization hit “Enable monetization” then click “Save” to finish setting up your link. 

You should find your link in the “My streams” page. Note that if you work as an affiliate, you will be given a free domain from the system. If you want to have a domain of your own, you can buy it from Partners.House for $10.

That’s it, copy your link and go drive some traffic to it to get yourself a steady passive income with Partners.House!


  • Clean simple design that results in smoother workflow
  • Detailed statistics that gives you insights into your traffic
  • You get paid as long as your traffic see the ads which means a stable passive income
  • Two ways of working, as a site owner and as an affiliate
  • Automatic split testing for landing pages to help you find the one that works best for your audience.
  • Minimal payout $50
  • All GEOs included. You can drive traffic from wherever you want


  • Some translation issues
  • You can’t fraud the system as you get paid by RevShare model

>> Add An Extra Income Stream In Just 30 Minutes, It’s That Simple With Partners.House!

In Conclusion – If You Want to Make More Money Without Doing Any Work, Take Advantage Of This!

I am all about multiple income streams, someone once said, the average millionaire has 7 streams of income. What about you? Adding the to your existing setup takes only a few minutes and it will start generating money right away for you on the side, without you having to do anything more than add a few lines of code.

What will your job be after? To check stats everyday like Chad does, and see how much money you’ve made.

>> Click here to start making more money with

If you need help with Push House and Partners House and how to run affiliate marketing campaigns, be sure to become a member at iAmAffiliate forum where you can get 1 on 1 help from me, and my super affiliate friends. It’s only $49.95 per month. By far the most affordable training you will find online from someone that really walks the walk.

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5 thoughts on “Build Your Own Push Database and Make More Money with Partners.House – Here’s How”

  1. Bro, its works only for site owners. If you have no yoyr own site, you need to spend money for pait pop traffic, that will not performe in 2021. In 2019 it may works, but not now.

  2. Bro, its works only for site owners. If you have no your own site, you need to spend money for paid pop traffic, that will not performe in 2021. In 2019 it may works, but not now.

    • yea it said, if u own authority site, or you buy paid traffic, you can add to to create more $$ for you…

      of course if you don’t have any of the above, it wont work

  3. It actually works with pop traffic but still if you run two different campaigns, one pops and one native, you are gonna get a higher ROI with the native traffic. In a long shot I mean. I’ve been doing the same for quite some time now, with this and other networks and it actually pays out quite good.

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