Youtube has become one of the top options of affiliates in boosting their sales. A platform to help increase audience awareness and increase income as well.
By having a popular Youtube channel and people who follow you and trust you will be ahead of the curve. It’s much easier to recommend a product if people trust you and believe you are not going to recommend something you don’t believe in.
Also, the video has an incredible marketing power. Many forecasts say that video will make as high as 80% of digital content that people share in 2020.
Therefore, ist important to get started as soon as you can. It’s not easy to build confidence and appear in front of the camera. Having good content also matters a lot.
It is best if you can start with something you are passionate about. Don’t look at YouTube just as a way to make some money.
Having an established goal for your channel is of utmost importance. You need to know what are you trying to accomplish with the YouTube channel. Also, what content do you want to share at first? This leads us to the first step.

1. Practice
It’s not just about practice making perfection. What is more important is that practice makes progress. Just don’t be discouraged if your first few videos are not popular. Always try to improve and focus on learning as much as possible.
With repetition, you will build a routine and present your offers with much more confidence.
2. Have a plan.
Before going in front of cameras know what you are going to talk about. Dress for success too. I don’t mean you should look like a business professional or anything like that. It’s about wearing clothes that make you feel comfortable and you will have more confidence in this way.
Appearing natural and having a distinctive style is also a good tactic. Work on your eloquence and how you are presenting yourself as a successful business person. Try to be in an optimal condition, don’t force shooting a video at a bad time. Prepare all the notes or script and leave nothing to a circumstance. This goes for your office desk or anything that will appear in the background.
3. It’s not about you but what you have to say is what matters.
It’s about your community and of course – setting a business plan in motion. A lot of people are making a mistake of worrying about how they talk, look and behave. Note that people are usually more critical of themselves then the others will ever be. The truth is, people only care about good and useful content.
4. It’s ok if you mess up
Yes, mistakes are part of the process. Unexpected stuff will always happen. Instead of being afraid of making a mistake, embrace it. You can see behind the scenes videos on YouTube a lot. Sharing mistakes with the community and laughing at yourself is very powerful. It shows how genuine you are and it will create an emotional connection with the viewers. So, just keep going, shoot more videos and try to be better.
5. Stop Overthinking
So, don’t overthink – what people are going to think? This is the behavior that is going to hold you back. So, stop pondering and start uploading those videos. Everything is not perfect and it will never be perfect.

What is your end goal?
So, ask yourself, what do you want to achieve on a macro level. As already mentioned, goal will give you focus and content ideas.
Ask yourself: Who is your targeted audience? What is your proposition value?
Most people start creating content without knowing who the targeted audience is. Remember, if you try to reach everybody then you are reaching nobody. Not everyone will like your videos and that is fine. Small groups are even better.
Start with a small market. Of course, your offer has to be profitable. Just satisfy your audience and upload videos. You will have your full audience soon by delivering regularly on what you promised.
Simple napkin plan:
- Who is your video for?
- When will you post your videos?
- What value does your videos promise?
Your channel is the home of your content. Make a good impression and work on its growth. You will never get a second chance to make a first impression. So, establishing your channel is important.
Take care of your avatar, cover image, logo, check does the links to all my social media and website is working. Yes, you need to check and update all your info and visual presentation of your YouTube channel. Organize your home page based on the playlist.
Think about yourself as a brand. You are the business.
What message does your brand’s channel communicate? So, brainstorm what values your brand is presenting. Try to establish those points with valuable content that will address all your values, one by one.
This is the biggest value that your channel has. Content has to be good. Awesome content will triumph everything.
Just think of how many shows there are on Netflix menu. How do you pick what to watch? Are you looking for information about the budget? When you start watching does, lighting or photography matter? Of course not. It’s all about the story and how interesting it is to watch.
So, the quality of your content will triumph everything.
Great content is:
- Inspirational
- Informational
- Educational
- Motivational
- Entertaining
- Has to make a connection

Building community matters and it will influence your or your brand’s reputation. Thanks to the internet, the whole world is becoming a global community.
Like in every community, many people will know or recognize you. They will think that you are a nice person or a jerk. When you put yourself out there through YouTube, then how you present yourself to the community and how you interact with them will matter a lot.
I can’t emphasize this enough, do not focus on the money. I know it sounds strange, I pick the profitable products and I want to promote my offer and blah blah.
No one will buy from you if you are pushing just to sell. No one is going to any social network with the idea of buying products. So, don’t expect people to watch your advertising or promotional video unless they are really good.
It’s better to create valuable content around your niche. It is actually the only way to attract people to your channel in the long run. No amount of paid advertising will help you without good content for people to consume.
YouTube gives its audience a full list of recommendations, you will also see all the videos from your subscribed channels, there is a big list of recommendations for every keyword… So, you are competing with a lot of people for views. Therefore, you have to be consistent. Only then will your content be in front of people’s eyes constantly.
So, try to maintain a certain schedule. Once a week is a usual standard for most YouTubers. Create a content plan and try to stick to your schedule.
At imattila you can read the post about Youtube tips and there are also my recommendations about the top Youtube channels.