I guess a lot of marketers have wondered about this. How often should you post on YouTube? Is there a formula for success that famous YouTubers are using? Is there a minimum that I should look out for? Is it possible to post too much?
What if you need to choose between posting more with not that great YouTube videos and posting less with great quality videos?
This is a no brainer, always go for the quality. However, it’s not this simple. Theoretically the more you post, you should have more views and better exposure.
For example, if you post one video a week and get 100 views, then if you post two videos you should get 200. In effect, you should have doubled your weekly viewer’s amount.
Your reach opportunity would be bigger. Like, that second video may convince some people to take a look at your channel and find more videos. So, now your first video has 115 views.
Youtube can increase audience awareness and increase income, and I wrote a post about 7 steps how you can have 1k subscibers.
It sounds good in theory but there are some things to consider. So, let’s see if there are some rules for posting and scheduling videos.

Post as Much as Possible Without Sacrificing Quality
Look at it this way, rate your video on a scale from 1 to 10. Think about how your 8 or 9 or 10 looks like. You are putting a lot of time and energy into it, that is your best content, top advice that you can give, you simply love how that video turned out! Those are your best videos possible. It takes a lot of personal energy and sacrifice to hit that high level and achieve that 9 or 10.
So, if you add one more video a week, you don’t want to drop it below 6, on your own scale. But if you add the third video that is 5 or 4… well, your branding and the quality of the whole channel will suffer.
Also, remember what athletes like to say: ‘’You are only as good as your last result’’.
Every time you put out a video, people will judge it. It’s also normal for people that discovered your channel to look at your latest videos first. That is how YouTube is structured. Also, it is expected that you have more experience and knowledge now than when you started.
The worse thing that can happen is that new people see your videos as bad or boring. Your long-time followers will say he obviously significantly dropped in quality. The obvious consequence is that they will start leaving your channel.
In my opinion, it’s ok if your quality drops a little. It’s natural that you can’t kill it every time.
Post One Video a Week
This is not a rule but I think it should be a minimum. There are always exceptions of course. Channels with high video production can have a long pause between videos. Still, they will post short previews and update you on where they are in the shooting process. Just so people won’t forget about ..say… fanfic movie that is coming. So, even their pause is not that long.
YouTube favors recency. That means that they will give you more channel authority, your videos will rank better if you have consistency. So, try to target once a week and go from there.
Experiment With Different Types of Content
I know that this contradicts my talk about content quality. Just hear me out! Let say that you spent a lot of time and effort in research, shooting and writing content for one video. Then on the next one, to keep up with the schedule, you can answer questions from the comments on the first one. This content is fast to produce and you didn’t sacrifice much in terms of quality.
Another thing to take into consideration is that your channel functions similar to a TV network. Many of your subscribers are there just for one type of show. Just like people who watch ‘’Better Call Saul’’ on AMC but are not interested in other content. So, understand that your audience is segmented and see what type of content is doing best. Again, like TV networks, they will put a spotlight on their best content. Also, listen for the feedback and what would your audience like to see in the future.
Try different content types, Youtube live or music for example. Just look at it as creating different shows for different audiences.
This will increase your posting frequency and your audience.

Can You Upload Too Much?
Again, it depends on the quality of the content and the type of the channel. If you are creating news or reaction content to some entertainment or gaming events, then posting often or not having an established consistency is normal. With that type of content posting a few times a day would be quite normal and expected.
Vloggers are posting a lot of content. Most are active 7 days a week, multiple times a day. It’s awesome because your content is always near the top of the feed. Whenever someone logs into YouTube, your video is among his subscribed recommendations.
All in all, you should always go for quality. Your content will always work in your favor then. With a good Youtube rank, your videos will be constantly recommended by YouTube. Whenever someone types a search term related to your content your video will be out there. It will get multiple views. People will watch your video weeks, months, years later. So, the effort that you put into creating a quality video will pay dividends in the future.