iAmAttila’s Mobile Popunder Traffic Sources Guide with Tracking Tokens for Voluum!

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I received a lot of emails from people asking about what are the best mobile popunder traffic sources for media buys. Well, I compiled this list below as my answer to that popular question. In addition to just giving you the URL and name of the traffic source, I decided to give you my very own personal take on each, and also provide you the tracking tokens you need for Voluum [get an account here if you don’t already have one!] and other third party trackers, but trust me when I say – Voluum is the grand daddy, most bad ass tracker out there that really craps on all others. Why? if you are really interested leave a comment saying you want to know, and I’ll explain.

Anyway, here are the 3 popunder traffic sources I use all the time that work great for mobile game & app installs because you can get a TON of visits for less than 1 cent a click! Golden nugget HINT: Use some consumer psychology to increase your ROI when running on these 😉

The best alternative to voluum  is Redtrack.

PopAds – www.popads.net

Quick Overview: International Popunder traffic available on both adult and on non (separated by categories).   Most of their traffic is North & South America, Western Europe and India.   They don’t have much traffic in Africa,  Some LATAM countries,  ex Soviet states,  Eastern Europe.
Minimum Deposit: $10
Sign Up Process:
Only email verification is required.
Payment Methods Accepted:  Paypal, AlertPay, Credit Card, Wire
Targeting options available:   Country, Language, Population,   Keywords, Categories,  OS, Browser Type,  Screen Resolutions,   Connection Speed,  Connection Type,  Day Parting,  Zone Targeting/Exclusion

PopADS.net Dynamic Tracking Tokens/Macros/Scripts 

  • [WEBSITEID] – ID of the website that was source of the popunder,
  • [KEYWORD] – keyword that was used for keyword targeting,
  • [CATEGORYID] – ID of category that was used for targeting,
  • [COUNTRY] – country of the visitor.

NOTE: After deposit is made there is few hours delay before it is credited into the account!

PopCash – www.popcash.net

Quick Overview:   PopCash is very similar to PopAds, it however has less targeting options available.  They don’t have information available on their traffic statistics and they also don’t let you target by device type only by OS, which is pretty bad if for example you are only wanting to target iPhone but not Ipod/Ipads.

Minimum Deposit: $5
Sign Up Process: Only email verification is required.
Payment Methods Accepted:  Paypal, Paxum
Targeting options available:    Country,  Category,  Operating System

PopCash Dynamic Tracking Tokens/Macros/Scripts

  • %siteid%  – Site ID
  • %cc% – Country Code

NOTE: After deposit is made there is up to 24 hours delay before it is credited into the account!

Plugrush (Adult Only) – www.plugrush.com

Quick Overview:   Plugrush is one of the biggest sources for adult traffic, and much of it comes from blogs and high quality sites.  Many people had great luck converting offers in the dating niche on plug rush (I included).   They have a very good user interface, awesome support (I met the guys in person a few times), and very good rates and can drive volume.    They allow many other kinds of advertising, but in this thread I am only covering their Mobile Popunder features.

Minimum Deposit: $10
Payment Methods Accepted:  Paxum, Redpass, Wire Transfer
Targeting options available:    Traffic Sources (Babelogs, Blogs, TGP, MGP, Dumps, Tubes), Country, Mobile OS (with Device type),

Plugrush Dynamic Tracking Tokens/Macros/Scripts

  • {$id} – a unique ID of the traffic source/website
  • {$cc} – two letter country code of the visitor
  • {$category} – the category of the traffic source/website
  • {$domain} – the domain of the traffic source/website
  • {$trafficsource} – type of the traffic source (babelog, blog, dump, mgp, tgp or tube)
  • {$ad_id} – a unique ID of your ad (works on PlugTraffic only)
  • {$ad_ref} – your internal ad reference (works on PlugTraffic only)

The Dynamic Tracking Tokens mentioned for each popunder traffic source can be used with 3rd party trackers like Voluum, Prosper202, CPVLab, STM Mobile Tracker, MobAFFTracker and Imobitrax

PS:  These work best with landers, do not direct link on popunder traffic sources!   Be sure to read my post about angles right here to get some ideas on what kind of landers to test.      If you need landers made check out bannerslanders

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21 thoughts on “iAmAttila’s Mobile Popunder Traffic Sources Guide with Tracking Tokens for Voluum!”

  1. Hi Attila,

    Can you help me what to test outside angle, LP and creative?
    I just created a campaign with popads, so many stuff to test, website quality, no. view/person, categories, kws, etc. Which are the most crucial for you to test?


        • Very good question! The reason is simple. Get rid of the bots and increase quality of traffic.

          First you pop to a page with a big ass banner if it raises interest of the visitor they click and are more likely to convert.

          • Thanks for your reply.. I’m waiting 7 months for this 😀

            You mean, you treat pop traffic as banner traffic to test fast? pop-banners-lps-offer or pop-banners-offer?

  2. I Requested if they had some more tokens at Popcash,so for those who needs them

    %siteid% – Publisher website id (this the one you need to track the site-ids)
    %category% – Category Name (Movies, Streaming, Downloads and so on…)
    %cc% – Country Code (2 letter country code like US, FR, DE, IT)
    %operatingsystem% – Operating System (Windows, Linux, Android and so on…)
    %bid% – track the cost

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