Propel Media (formerly TrafficVance) Dynamic Tokens/Macros/Scripts

Here is a list of traffic tokens/scripts/macros whatever you want to call it for Propel Media formerly known as TrafficVance. This is a PPV traffic source that allows you to pay using CPC model as well as the CPV (cost per viewer) model very similar to CPM.    
These tokens are to be used with a 3rd party tracker or in the field of UTM tags if you are using Google Analytics to track.

Tokens Description
{bid} Used to pass back the actual charged bid (as opposed to the average bid displayed in Propel Media) for the impression or click.
{clickStatus} Used to identify if an impression or click was a charged bid. Propel Media does not charge when the system detects suspicious activity, typically when one IP address registers multiple impressions/clicks. In those cases, Propel Media will only charge for the first impression or click.
{campaignID} Used to pass back a Campaign’s unique ID number in order to identify the Campaign in which the Creative and Keyword is found.
{creativeID} Used to pass back the Creative’s unique ID number in order to identify which Creative is driving impressions/clicks and/or conversions.
{keywordID} Used to pass back the Keyword’s unique ID number in order to identify which Keyword is driving impressions/clicks and/or conversions.
{sourceToken} Used to define traffic sources in order to identify if a traffic source is good or bad quality.
{timestamp} Used to show the exact time an impression or click is served.
{citystate} Used to pass back the location of a user using the user’s IP address in a city, state format (i.e. Irvine, CA). It can also be used in CPC ad copy. For example, “Find Great Deals in {CityState}” would be “Find Great Deals in Irvine, CA”.
{city} Used to pass back the location of a user using the user’s IP address in a city format (i.e. Irvine). It can also be used in CPC ad copy. For example, “Find Great Deals in {City}” would be “Find Great Deals in Irvine”.
{statelong} Used to pass back the location of a user using the user’s IP address in a state format (i.e. California). It can also be used in CPC ad copy. For example, “Find Great Deals in {Statelong}” would be “Find Great Deals in California”.
{state} Used to pass back the location of a user using the user’s IP address in a state format (i.e. CA). It can also be used in CPC ad copy. For example, “Find Great Deals in {State}” would be “Find Great Deals in CA”.
{keyword} Used to pass back the Keyword that triggered an impression/click and conversion. This macro is necessary for optimizations when using advertiser reporting instead of a Propel Media pixel. It can also be used in CPC ad copy. For example, “Find Great Deals on {Keyword}” could be “Find Great Deals on Shoes” if the Keyword being passed through is “shoes”.
{ipaddress} Used to pass back the user’s IP address for every impression CPV and/or click CPC.
{fullReferrerlink} Used to pass through the full URL that your ad was shown on.
{rootDomainReferrer} Used to pass through the root URL that your ad was shown on.
{sourceToken} Used to pass through the traffic source subid that your ad was shown on. If necessary, the subid can be blocked through the Support Center > ApI Documentation > Source Tracking API.

If you have some questions, be free to ask us on the forum.

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