[ADWORDS SECRETS] 6 Tips on How To Improve Your Campaigns

No one talks about adwords, its like the most guarded secret in the world of affiliate marketing aside facebook of course. The guys making the big bucks, won’t share any of their secrets with you, because that will have a direct impact into their pocket book. OR they will charge you so much money, that most people simply won’t be able to afford to hire them for advice and 1 on 1 coaching.

Now that we’re aware about the state of things, let me be the first to share with you some amazing insights into adwords that helped me increase my ROI. I’ve been running adwords for years, it’s one of my favorite traffic platforms because you can get, ready for this golden nugget? A lot of premium placement that’d charge you 10x more (ie 45$ CPM instead) for 90% off or more. Yup, don’t ask me why but a lot of websites out there, premium pubs overvalue their placements yet they sell it for peanuts to adsense. Oh well that’s the way it is, lets accept it and move on.

I’ve been messing around with adwords a lot, and tried and test a whole lot of things, so here are 6 tips on what you can do to improve your adwords campaign so you can make more money.

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