- Introduction to Tracker
- All About RedTrack
- Getting Started with RedTrack
3.1 Setting up a Traffic Source on RedTrack - Setting up an Affiliate Network on RedTrack
- Setting up a Lander on RedTrack (You are Here)
- Setting up an Offer on RedTrack
- Setting up the Campaign on RedTrack
- Setting up a Domain on RedTrack
- Run-Through of RedTrack Series

We are only a couple of steps away from completing our first campaign and the turn has come to setup landers. This is, of course, a step necessary if you are using a landing page, if that is not the case, jump straight to a Setting up an offer section.
If you are using a landing page, you need to add it to the tracking system.
Just as with other segments, this one is pretty straightforward and easy to handle as well. Start by clicking the new button in the top left corner.

Add the name and the URL of your landing page. Here is another example of simplistic and streamlined approach RedTrack took when creating the platform. You see those blue boxes under the URL field?

Those are tracking macros that enable you to track all sorts of metrics. You can, without much hassle, track the performance of your landing page through metrics like country, city, device, ISP, browser, etc.
Again, it’s nothing revolutionary, but I love the simplified integration of these macros using a single click method. And there is a link to a knowledge base at the bottom of the page. There is a complete list of macros you can attach to your landing page URL. Let’s take a look at an example URL with a couple of tokens added:{browser}&device={device}&country={country}
RedTrack allows you to track clicks for both single and multiple offers on your landing page. They’ve done a pretty good job of explaining it right on the page, and even better in the knowledge base, but I would like to point out that you need to insert a script into your landing page code within the header section in order for it to work. Check the example on the image.
Replace with your domain if you are using a custom tracking domain.
One of the reasons I switched to RedTrack is this streamlined approach to tracking clicks and views on my landing pages. It just offers so many meaningful data points and enables me to asses, split test and tweak multiple landing pages at a time. And as I mentioned in a couple of my previous guides, it’s my favorite part of managing campaigns.
Now that you got all of the fields covered, click save and let’s continue with the guide. There are only a couple of steps more on our way to launching a campaign.
Next, set up your offer!
- Introduction to Tracker
- All About RedTrack
- Getting Started with RedTrack
3.1 Setting up a Traffic Source on RedTrack - Setting up an Affiliate Network on RedTrack
- Setting up a Lander on RedTrack (You are Here)
- Setting up an Offer on RedTrack
- Setting up the Campaign on RedTrack
- Setting up a Domain on RedTrack
- Run-Through of RedTrack Series